NSC-1 Final Program

First Workshop on Non-Silicon Computing
Held in Conjunction with HPCA 8

Session 1: 8:30 - 10:00 AM

  • Towards a Universal Building Block of Molecular and Silicon Computation, Steven Swanson and Mark Oskin
    (presentation) (paper)
  • Towards a Reconifigurable Nanocomputer Platform, Paul Beckett
    (presentation) (paper)
  • Non-Silicon Non-Binary Computing: Why Not?, I. Dubrova, Y. Jamal, J. Mathew
    (presentation) (paper)
  • Session 2: 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM

  • Summary of the NSF Workshop on Nanoelectronics , Peter Kogge
  • Memory in Motion: A Study of Storage Structures in QCA, S. E. Frost, A. F. Rodrigues, A. W. Janiszewski, R. T. Rausch, and P. M. Kogge
    (presentation) (paper)
  • A Potentially Implementable FPGA for Quantum Dot Cellular Automata, Michael T. Niemier, Arun F. Rodrigues, and Peter M. Kogge
    (presentation) (paper)
  • Session 3: 1:30 - 3:00 PM

  • A Complete Programming Environment for DNA Computing, Steven Carroll
    (presentation) (paper)
  • The Device Physics of Cellular Logic Gates, Ron Weiss and Subhayu Basu
    (presentation) (paper)
  • Memory Hierarchies for Quantum Data, D. Copsey, M. Oskin, F.T. Chong, I. Chuang, and K. Abdel-Ghaffar
    (presentation) (paper)
  • Session 4: 3:30 - 5:00 PM

  • Array-Based Architecture for Molecular Electronics, Andre Dehon
    (presentation) (paper)
  • Scalable Defect Tolerance for Molecular Electronics, Mahim Mishra and Seth C. Goldstein
    (presentation) (paper)
  • Fault-Tolerant NanoBoxes for Designing Computers Using Molecular Technology, AJ KleinOsowski, Richard A. Kiehl, and David J. Lilja.
    (presentation) (paper)