Alex Aiken
Alcatel-Lucent Professor of Computer Science -- Stanford

Programming Distributed Heterogeneous Architectures with Logical Regions

Modern supercomputers now encompass both heterogeneous processors and deep, complex memory hierarchies. Programming these machines currently requires expertise in an eclectic collection of tools (MPI, OpenMP, CUDA, etc.) that primarily focus on describing parallelism while placing the burden of data movement on the programmer. Legion is an alternative approach that provides extensive support for describing the structure of program data through logical regions. Logical regions can be dynamically partitioned into sub-regions giving applications an explicit mechanism for directly conveying information about locality and independence to the Legion runtime. Using this information, Legion automatically extracts task parallelism and orchestrates data movement through the memory hierarchy. Time permitting; we will discuss results from several applications including a port of S3D, a production combustion simulation running on Titan, the Department of Energy's current flagship supercomputer

Alex Aiken is the Alcatel-Lucent Professor of Computer Science at Stanford. He received his Ph.D. from Cornell University in 1988 after which he became a Research Staff Member at the IBM Almaden Research Center (1988-1993) and a Professor in the EECS department at UC Berkeley (1993-2003) before joining the Stanford faculty in 2003. He is an ACM Fellow, a recipient of Phi Beta Kappa's Teaching Award, and a former National Young Investigator.

Thursday, April 24th, 2014
1:00 PM
Gates & Hillman Centers 4405

Principles of Programming Seminars