I have a Visor from Handspring, Palm V, or some other handheld. Do you
think it will work with PPRK?
A: The Palm Pilot Robot uses SV203 board to control its servos and sensors.
SV203 talks to the Pilot via standard serial communication. We tested only
Palm III, but any handheld computer (such as Palm, Visor, etc.) that supports serial
communication should be usable for PPRK. Although, the pinout might be different
and the code might be modified a little depending on the hardware.
Q: Do you have any videos of Palm Pilot Robot?
A: Yes, here are two short videos of an earlier prototype: PalmVideo1.mov
[1000Kb, QuickTime] and PalmVideo2.mov [917Kb,
Q: What
is the "Mekatronix" method?
A: It is a way by which MrRobot
modifies servo motors to continuous rotation.