18-452 / 18-750 Wireless Networks and Applications

Spring 2025

This course introduces fundamental concepts of wireless networks. The design of wireless networks is influenced heavily by how signals travel through space, so the course starts with an introduction to the wireless physical layer, presented in a way that is accessible to a broad range of students. The focus of the course is on wireless MAC concepts including CSMA, TDMA/FDMA, and CDMA. It also covers a broad range of wireless networking standards, and reviews important wireless network application areas (e.g., sensor networks, vehicular) and other applications of wireless technologies (e.g., GPS, RFID, sensing, etc.). Finally, we will touch on public policy issues, e.g., as related to spectrum use. This course is has both a graduate and undergraduate section.

The course will specifically cover:

All information regarding this course will be posted on this web page so please check the page regularly. We use Gradescope for some assignments and Edstam for discussion on homeworks and projects. Canvas will be used for some ammouncents to post information about the course and grades. To access the course pages on Gradescope and Edstem, please check Canvas for course section 18-452/759 on canvas.cmu.edu.

Prerequisites: 18-213 or 15-213 (for 18-452) or 15-513 (for 18-750) or evidence that you have the equivalent background. If you have concerns about your background, please contact the instructor.


Useful Links

These links will be updated for S25 ...


Prof. Peter Steenkiste
E-mail: prs AT cs.cmu.edu
Office Hours: Wed 1-2pm or by appointment
Office: Gates 9111

Teaching Assistant

Smriti Jha
E-mail: smritij AT andrew.cmu.edu
Office Hours: Tuesday and Thursday, 12:30-1:30pm
OH location: HH 1304

Course Assistants

ECE course management assistant:

Stephanie Bolla
E-mail: sbolla AT andrew.cmu.edu
Office: HH 1112

Course assistant (for appointments with instructor)

Trace Farbacher
E-mail: tracyf AT cs.cmu.edu


A high level description of the course material can be found in an online publication by Springer: Introduction to Wireless Networking and Its Impact on Applications. Access is free for people at CMU (make sure you are authenticated!). Note that the lectures will often have more depth and include additional material.

A textbook that is useful is "Wireless Communication Networks and Systems", Cory Beard and William Stallings, Pearson, first edition, 2015. It covers most of the material in course (roughly up to lecture 20). An alternative is "Wireless Communications", Andreas Mulisch, Wiley, 3rd edition, 2022, which covers roughly the same topics. Both textbooks provide a lot more detail than we have time for in the course.

Course schedule

Lectures are Monday and Wednesday, 2:00-3:50pm in Wean Hall 5302. Recitations sessions are on Friday, 12:30am-1:50pm in Doherty Hall 1112. Note that in the first half of the semester, some of the recitation slots will be used for lectures, freeing up time in the second half of the semester for your course project.

The schedule below is a tentative schedule for Spring 2025. The course content will be similar to 2024, except for updates on newer technologies and standards.

To access some of the papers of the surveys, you may need a CMU IP address, i.e., you need to be on campus or use a VPN.

Week of Monday Wednesday Friday
Jan 13 1. Course overview and wireless introduction 2. Wireless challenges and signals 3. Physical layer: basics
Jan 20 No class - MLK day 4. Physical layer: modulation 5. Physical layer: diversity
Jan 27 6. Recitation: Project 1; Physical layer: OFDM 7. MIMO 8. LANs
Feb 3 9. WiFi basics 10. WiFi 11. WiFi Management
Feb 10 12. WiFi Standards - paper
Optional: FAQ 802.11 futures
13. Cellular Basics, 1G 14. Cellular 2G
Feb 17 15. Cellular LTE 16. Cellular 5G no class
Feb 24 Recitation: Q and A for midterm 17. Midterm (lectures 1-13) Spring break
Mar 3 Spring break Spring break Spring break
Mar 10 18. Wireless and IP 29. Wireless and TCP/applications 20. PAN - Bluetooth
Mar 17 21. Sensor networks 22. RFID 23. Localization
Mar 24 24. Lecture DSA No class No class
Mar 31 No class Spring Carnival Spring Carnival
Apr 7 No class No class No class
Apr 14 25. Surveys: MIMO (PP/AK),
mmWave (JW/TG),
Sensing with WiFi (BL/MT),
No class 26. Surveys: Newer versions of WiFi (ML/HW),
Low power wireless (YW/ZX),
Tera Hertz communications (AP/SS),
Visible light communication (XL/ZF)
Apr 21 Recitation: Project presentations 27. Surveys: 5G deployments (ZD/SA),
Wireless Security (RA/LG),
Satellite networks (VM),
Backscatter/ambient (YF/YY and EY/GL)
Recitations: Q & A for final


Four homeworks will be assigned throughout the course. The course also includes two projects and a survey lecture, each involving a number of deadlines as described below.

The course has a midterm and a final. The midterm will be in the week before spring break during class time. It is closed book and will cover the material in lectures 1-13. The final will be during finals week, on a date and time posted by the registrar.


The educational objectives of the course project include the ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering; to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data; to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within real-world constraints; the ability to function on multi-disciplinary teams; and to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems.

This will be achieved using two hands-on projects that are executed by teams of 2 (sometimes 3) students. The first project is a small measurement project that will help you gain a better understanding of the properties of wireless channels. The second project is larger and involves the design, implementation, and evaluation of a wireless system. Details on the projects will be discussed in class.

Survey presentations

Two-three lectures in the course will be dedicated to more advanced topics. Teams of two students will prepare and present one survey, a short presentation on a wireless networking topic based on a set of research papers. More details on the survey assignment, including list of topics, can be found in the Survey Handout. That page also includes a list of papers for each topic.

The survey lectures are part of the course, and the material presented in the presentations will be covered in the homeworks and final. Specifically, the slides used in the survey presentation and one of the papers on the reading list should be studied to prepare for the final. Both the slides and the selected paper can be found in the table with the course schedule.

The education goals for the survey presentations include a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning; and an ability to communicate effectively.


If you think we made a mistake in grading, please return the assignment with a note explaining your concern to the course secretary no later than one week after the day the assignment was returned. We will regrade the question.

Late Policy

Assignments that are handed in late will be assessed a 15% penalty per day. No assignment will be accepted more than two days late.

If you have a documented emergency that prevents you from handing an assignment in on time, we will work with you to find a suitable replacement turn-in time. "Documented" means that somebody can vouch for the emergency. Scheduled absences or external commitments, e.g., interviews or vacations, are not an acceptable justification for extentions.

Academic Integrity

Students at Carnegie Mellon are engaged in preparation for professional activity of the highest standards. Each profession constrains its members with both ethical responsibilities and disciplinary limits. To assure the validity of the learning experience a university establishes clear standards for student work, as described in the document on Academic Integrity. These rules will be strictly enforced in this course.

If you drop the course it is your responsibility to notify the instructor and your team member(s) in your project and survey team as soon as possible. Losing a team member is very disruptive to the rest of the team, so it is important that we can adjust the team as quickly as possible.


Grades will be determined based on homeworks (10%), projects (5% and 25%), survey talk (10%), and 2 exams (20% midterm and 30% final).