-- Messages from file: /usr0/pshell/mail.txt -- Monday, 13 January 1997 8:55PM Message 610 -- ********************* Return-Path: Received: from laedu.lalc.k12.ca.us by NL.CS.CMU.EDU id aa27009; 13 Jan 97 20:33:31 EST Received: from Michael Novick (user207x99x176x49.compton.k12.ca.us []) by laedu.lalc.k12.ca.us (8.6.12/8.6.5) with SMTP id RAA15014; Mon, 13 Jan 1997 17:24:58 -0800 Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 17:24:58 -0800 Message-Id: <199701140124.RAA15014@laedu.lalc.k12.ca.us> X-Sender: mnovick@laedu.lalc.k12.ca.us X-Mailer: Windows Eudora Version 1.4.5 Mime-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" To: p-hirsch@nwu.edu, nkrhodes@mailbox.syr.edu, rperez@boricuanet.org, copwatch@teleport.com, tmi@crl.com, ruben62@aol.com, 75111.3416@CompuServe.COM, tony@noc.org, 6mysmesa@1eagle1.com, Emilemulli@aol.com, rwoods@worldnet.att.net, pbrp@philly.infi.net, dadoner@chesco.com, mct394@freenet.mb.ca, nattyreb@ix.netcom.com, cflj@crisny.org, nbpanatofc@worldnet.att.net, nwilson@apollo3.com, roydean@rmci.net, komboa@juno.com, pshell@NL.CS.CMU.EDU, cco@igc.org, 73447.1527@CompuServe.COM, AW6805@CNSVAX.ALBANY.EDU, seahorse@odyssee.net, susan1218@aol.com, fireworx@igc.org From: mnovick@laedu.lalc.k12.ca.us (michael novick) Subject: !APPEAL FOR HELP! - Arrested in Georgia >Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 04:43:14 -0800 >X-Sender: nattyreb@popd.ix.netcom.com >To: blackpower@infobro.com >From: Marpessa Kupendua >Subject: !APPEAL FOR HELP! - Arrested in Georgia >Cc: mnovick@laedu.lalc.k12.ca.us > >Michael, can you please forward this chilling account to Paul's >mini police abuse list? Sorry, I no longer have a current >list of addresses for it. Thanks in advance. > >Struggle, > >Sis. >========================================== > >>Return-Path: >>Date: Mon, 13 Jan 1997 03:33:31 -0500 (EST) >>From: Philip Hood >>To: nattyreb@ix.netcom.com >>Subject: Arrested in Georgia >> >> You are receiving this email because I compiled a small list >>of names because I thought a few of you might have some insights >>or opinions into an event that happened to me New Years. I will take >>whatever information you have, whatever you think - >> If you can get other opinions as well, please do so. >> There is more regarding this whole thing, so if you are >>interested, please let me know. >> If not, I'm sorry for emailing you, it won't happen again, >>and hopefully we can leave it at that. >> >>more later ... >>hood@panix.com >> >> >>MY MEMORY OF EVENTS AS I WAS ARRESTED IN STONE MOUNTAIN, GEORGIA. >> >> >> It was late New Years night and my brother, his wife, two of his >>friends and I were out visiting a friend of his in Stone Mountain, >>Georgia, celebrating and ringing in the New Year. >> I had only arrived in Georgia a few days before and I have never >>been to Stone Mountain. In fact it was the farthest south in the United >>States I've ever been. I am not from Georgia, but was only there for a >>visit with my brother and his family. >> It had gotten late and we decided to go home. My brother's friend >>was driving that night, and while it was New Year's he was not in my >>esteem too intoxicated to drive. I was sitting in the back right seat, my >>brother in the middle, and his wife on the left. Another friend rode in >>the front. >> Suddenly and surprising, out of nowhere more than one set of >>police headlamps and sirens set off. I believe that there were at least >>two or more police cars laying in wait. The driver stopped. >> Then, what seemed to me to be a million cops rushed up to the car, >>and began screaming, ordering everyone in the car to put their hands on >>the seats before them. The flood lights of the police cars behind us as >>well as the light from hand held flashlights made everything a hot >>spotlight bright. >> A police officer told the driver that he had passed a STOP sign >>and would have to get out to do a sobriety test. >> The other police were still screaming that everyone had to keep >>their hands on the seats. They had flashlamps directed to our hands and >>in through the window on our heads. I became extremely frightened. I >>complied. I put my hands on my seat as ordered and a white police officer >>opened up the car door and screamed for me to keep my hands on the seat >>and said he had a "Glock" pistol pointed at my head. >> I do not know why the police officer said he had a "Glock" pistol >>to my head. I have heard my about how dangerous Georgia police were as >>well as how deadly "Glock"-style pistols were, but had never dealt with >>either. The overall effect, however, was that I was truly afraid for my >>life. I have heard of many stories of the brutalities cops place on >>citizens, and I did not want to become one. >> The white police officer moved away from the car and then moved >>back. The car door was still open. He screamed to put my head down and >>keep my hands on the seat then he told me to get out of the car and then >>grabbed me by the collar and pulled me. >> I thought it was starting, that I would be pummelled with >>nightsticks, sprayed with mace and my have my teeth kicked in. I didn't >>fight back. I screamed out, pleading the officer not to shoot and not to >>hurt me. Surprisingly he let me go and moved away. >> A black police officer came over who was to some degree cooler. He >>shined a light at me and told me to get out of the car. I told him that I >>was getting out, but not to shoot, that I was afraid and that I would do >>exactly what they told me, just not to hurt me. He screamed get out and I >>said I was and that I was going to move my hands from the back of the seat >>and not to shoot. He hollered get out of the car and I got out slowly and >>held my hands very high, and told him that I was very frightened by the >>entire situation and did not want to make even the slightest movement that >>might even possibly be interpreted as foul-play. I was extremely >>frightened at the prospect of the police beating me and from stories I >>have heard I know they will, no question about it, and I did not want to >>bring it on. I've even heard stories of the police just plain beating >>people. I am about 5 foot 4 inches and weigh about 128 to 130 pounds and >>the officers was by my esteem just plain huge. I couldn't beat them if I >>wanted, and they had guns. >> I got out of the car, hands held high. Officer Holdman, the black >>police officer, shoved me and told me to walk. When he shoved me I >>screamed, but still kept my hands held high, and I tried not to flinch or >>move to any degree that would make him hit me. Officer Holdman asked me >>why I was "hollering" such and I said I did because I was very frightened >>of police. >> He seemed irritated and told me to get my hands down and I did and >>he put handcuffs on me. The handcuffs were not tight. He lead me to his >>car and kind of pushed me a little in the car, but only somewhat, and not >>overforceful. He said that if I had not "hollered" as such, he would not >>have to arrest me. As I sat in the back seat, I wondered why I was being >>arrested. >> Officer Holdman walked away, came back to the car and started >>driving me away. I was extremely frightened. I was being taken away in >>an unfamiliar place by police officers who were very menacing. Officer >>Holdman again remarked that if I hadn't been hollering like that he >>wouldn't have arrested me. >> Officer Holdman took me to the Stone Mountain city jail and took >>me into a room in the back of the jail, where we were alone. He told me >>to made me take off my coat, shoes, belt, and made me empty my pockets. I >>did exactly what he told me for fear he would beat me otherwise. He then >>began asking me questions such as what my name was, how old I was, and had >>I been drinking. >> I was not certain to what I should answer or not, so I blankedly >>told him that I did not think that I could answer anything. He looked >>upset and for a moment I thought the beatings would then start. I stepped >>back into the corner. But he just went through my ID materials that I >>had taken out of my pocket. He found a piece that had my name on it and >>asked if I were indeed that person. I said I was. He then asked my >>birthdate and I told him that it was among the ID. He found it and asked >>me was it true and I said it was. I then asked him why I was here, what I >>was being arrested for and he stammered for a moment and said "for >>disorderly conduct." >> He proceeded to ask me other questions such as what my Social >>Security Number was and I said that I really could not help him until I >>understood more about what was happening. He said that that was okay and >>led me into a cell. He put my shoes and other little things in a brown >>paper bag, set it outside of the cell and closed the door. He said that >>as soon as I was ready to tell him what he needed to know, the sooner I >>would be able to get out of there. >> I sat down on the bunk and waited, alone, wondering what was going >>to happen to me. >> About ten minutes later or so, I heard noises and activity in the >>main room of the jail. It was the voices of my brother and his wife, who >>were both in the back seat of the car with me. >> Both of them were crying out in pain - my brother's face was >>extremely red and appeared somewhat swollen. He had dirt on his forehead >>and top of his head and appeared dishevelled. As if he had been rolling >>around in the grass. He was placed in the cell with me and his wife in a >>cell across from us. The jailers put a blanket on the door of his wife's >>cell, ostensibly to cover her away from his sight. >> The police had beaten him up, wrestled him to the ground, and the >>white officer, the one who screamed that he had a glock to my head, had >>sprayed them both in the eyes with mace, as they told me. >> These were the exact things I had feared all along that the police >>would do to me if they so much as thought that I might have possibly given >>them a reason - which was the reason that I made it %100 percent clear >>that I posed no threat whatsoever and would comply - do whatever they told >>me and under no circumstance did I need to be hurt in any manner to do >>exactly what they told me. >> After a bunch of screaming my brother did about his eyes, the jail >>medic came. My brother had been attempting to wash the mace out of his >>eyes with water from the toliet bowl. The medic squeezed some substance >>he had in a little squeege bottle in his eyes. I asked whether or not it >>was water and he said it was, and then replied that was all he was >>required to do by the state of Georgia, and left. >> Some time after, a woman came in and asked my brother questions >>about his name, birthdate, social-security number, height and weight and >>other statistical information. He told her. She asked me and I told her. >>When she asked my social security number I asked did I have to give it and >>she said yes, so I did. >> Then a white officer handcuffed my brother and I together and >>drove us down to the county jail. We were fingerprinted and photographed >>and led to a cell with other people. We waited in a holding cell with >>other arrestees for about a half a day to be checked in, or "processed" as >>I understood later. A friend of my brother had already paid some money to >>get him released. My brother left. I was extremely bored so I made a >>chess set out of trash on the floor in the jail cell - torn off images >>(cow faces, arrows & other trade mark) from a milk carton, pieces of a >>stryofoam box, pieces of the inside of toliet paper roll, and oil from the >>outside of my nose rubbed onto the metal benches to fashion a board and >>played chess with a few of the inmates, and thought another the >>fundamentals of the game. >> A few hours later, my brother came to give money to the jailers to >>get out his wife and I. We had all been arrested for the charge of >>"disorderly conduct/creating turmoil." The driver of the car had been >>arrested for "Driving Under the Influence." >> >>BELOW IS THE NARRATIVE OF THE POLICE REPORT, FILED BY OFFICER HOLLOMON. >> >> On 010196 at approximately 0215 hours I responded to a back up >>call by Officer Littles on a traffic stop at W. Mtn. St./Gordon St., St. >>Mtn., GA, 30083. Officer Littles was conducting a field sobriety test on >>the driver of a vehicle that had four other persons in the vehicle. The >>Offender was sitting in the back seat of the vehicle, which was a foud >>vehcile. I then asked the Offender to step out of the vehicle. The >>Offender started hollering don't shoot me, don't hurt me, I'am scared of >>the police. Officer Johnson attempted to assist the Offender with getting >>out of the vehicle. When Officer reached towards the Offender, the >>Offender started hollering Ow, you are hurting me. Ofc. Johnson had not >>yet touched the Offender. I then smelled the odor of an intoxicating >>beverage coming from the person of the Offender. I asked the Offender >>three more times to step out of the vehicle. The Offender continued to >>holler I'm scared, please don't shoot me, don't shoot me. I then took >>custody of the Offender and transported him to the city of Stone Mountain >>Police department. The Offender would only state his name, Hood, Philip, >>DOB/052374, Sex/M, Rac/B. The Offender refused to be photographed, >>fingerprinted and would not cooperate. The offender was booked on the >>charge of disorderly conduct/17-2. The offender was then issued a >>citation #008873 (Refused to Sign) and transported to the Dekalb Sheriff's >>Department. >> >> >> >> >> >> >> > > > This information is passed along for non-profit research purposes only. Be PART of the solution -- People Against Racist Terror/Bx 1055/Culver City CA 90232-1055/310-288-5003/Order our journal: "Turning the Tide."