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A Solution to Open Standard of PKI

Qi He
Katia P. Sycara
Zhongmin Su
The Robotics Institute
The Robotics Institute
Dept. of CS and Telecommunications
Carnegie Mellon University
Carnegie Mellon University
University of Missouri-Kansas City
Pittsburgh, PA. 15213
Pittsburgh, PA. 15213
Kansas, MO 64110, USA

Wed Feb 11 00:37:40 EST 1998


PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) is fundamental for many security applications on the network. However, there are so many different kinds of PKI at current stage and they are not compatible. To solve the problem, we propose to implement the authority of authentication verification service systems as personal autonomous software agents, called security agents. In this paper, we introduce its concept and architecture, as well as its communication language, which is needed for public key management and secure communications among security agents and application agents.

security, PKI (Public Key Infrastructure), authentication, agent architecture, KQML, interoperability.

Qi He
Wed Feb 11 00:37:07 EST 1998