FMBBS 2016
As biomedical research advances into more complicated systems, there is
an increasing need to model and analyze these systems to better
understand them. For decades, biologists have been using diagrammatic
models to describe and understand the mechanisms and dynamics behind
their experimental observations. Although these models are simple to build
and understand, they offer only a rather static picture of the corresponding
biological systems, and scalability is limited. Formal specification and
analysis methods, such as model checking techniques, hold great promise
in promoting further discovery and innovation for complicated biochemical
systems. Models can be tested and adapted inexpensively in silico to
provide new insights. However, development of accurate and efficient
modeling methodologies and analysis techniques for biochemical systems
is still an open challenge. This workshop will provide an opportunity for
practitioners to present their work in this area to both computer scientists
and biologists and develop new collaborations.
Research topics of the workshop include, but are not limited to (not in order of preference):
- Formal models of biological and biomedical systems;
- Formal specification for biological and biomedical systems;
- Formal analysis methods for biological and biomedical systems;
- Formal methods in synthetic biology; and
- Combining formal methods with other techniques (e.g. machine learning techniques) for biological and biomedical systems.