We would put all related information about each
features here if needed.
The ninth feature group we used includes the first
three singular values (SV) of the candidate subgraph When comparing subgraphs with the same size,
different shapes have different value distributions with these three SV. For example, for four nodes subgraphs è
The eighth feature group we used is derived on topological
coefficient. The topological coefficient (TC) is a relative
measure of the extent to which a protein shares interaction partners with
other proteins. It reflects the number of rectangles that pass through a
node. For node p, we assume it has q
partners, one of them is node s and there are N(p,s) number of
nodes to which both p and s are linked (plus 1 if there is a
direct link between p and s). Thus TC=averageq(N(p,s)/q). We use
mean, variance and maximum of the property and the expected value for different
shapes also varies depending on the ratio of rectangles within. |