## INFORMATION LOCATIONS database /usr9/rafa/work/ir11741/exps include_file /afs/cs.cmu.edu/academic/class/11741-s98/bin/smart_lib//spec.default doc_loc /usr9/rafa/work/ir11741/exps/doc_loc query_loc /usr9/rafa/work/ir11741/exps/query_loc #### GENERIC PREPARSER ## sections could be: title, abstract, descriptors/keywords, contents ## string: identifies the section ## action: if "discard" then values will not be indexed num_pp_sections 4 pp_section.0.string ".I" pp_section.0.action discard pp_section.0.oneline_flag true pp_section.0.newdoc_flag true pp_section.1.string ".W" pp_section.1.section_name w pp_section.2.string ".T" pp_section.2.section_name t pp_section.3.string ".C" pp_section.3.action discard #### DESCRIPTION OF PARSE INPUT ## each section could be treated in a different way index.num_sections 2 index.section.0.name w index.section.0.method index.parse_sect.full index.section.0.word.ctype 0 index.section.0.proper.ctype 0 index.section.1.name t index.section.1.method index.parse_sect.full index.section.1.word.ctype 0 index.section.1.proper.ctype 0 title_section 1 #### DESCRIPTION OF FINAL VECTORS ## should we use steming, and which? ## should we use stopwords, and which? num_ctypes 1 ctype.0.name words stem_wanted 0 stopword_wanted 0 index.ctype.0.stemmer index.stem.none index.ctype.0.stopword index.stop.none ## ALTERATIONS OF STANDARD PARAMETERS dict_file_size 65535 rmode SRDONLY|SMMAP rwmode SRDWR|SINCORE rwcmode SRDWR|SCREATE|SINCORE # NAMING OF FILES .. doc_file doc.nnn inv_file inv.nnn query_file query.nnn query.textloc_file q_textloc index.query.addtextloc index.addtextloc.add_textloc doc.store index.store.store_vec_aux indivtext print.indivtext.text_form get_query retrieve.get_query.get_q_vec