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Book contributions
Full articles in refereed journals
Full articles in refereed proceedings
Abstracts, software reviews,..
Newspaper articles

Book contributions

  1. Calvo R.A., H. Navone and H.A. Ceccatto. Neural network analysis of time series: applications to climatic data. Southern Hemisphere Paleo- and Neoclimates: Concepts and Methods. Cambridge University Press (To appear).


  1. Coding Multi-dimensional data. Australian Provisional Patent. 1997

Full articles in refereed journals

  1. Partridge M. and R.A. Calvo. Fast Dimensionality Reduction and Simple PCA Intelligent Data Analysis, 2(3), 1998. (to appear) [postscript]
  2. Calvo R. A., H. A. Ceccatto and R.D. Piacentini. Neural Network Prediction of Solar Activity. The Astrophysical Journal, 444(2): 916-921, 1995 [postscript]
  3. Calvo R.A. Análisis Factorial del rendimiento escolar . Revista IRICE [postscript]
  4. Calvo R. A. and H.A. Ceccatto. Redes Neuronales: hacia un modelo computacional de la mente , Revista IRICE, N° 5, 1992.

Full articles in refereed proceedings

  1. R. A.  Calvo and M. Partridge and M. A. Jabri. A Comparative Study of Principal Component Analysis Techniques. Australian Conference in Neural Networks. Brisbane, 1998. [postscript]
  2. I. Z. Milosavljevi,  M. G. Partridge, R. A. Calvo and M. A. Jabri. High-Performance Principal Component Analysis with ParAL. Australian Conference in Neural Networks. Brisbane, 1998. [postscript]
  3. Calvo R.A., Jabri M. Benchmarking Bayesian Neural Networks in forecasting. Australian Conference in Neural Networks, Melbourne, June 1997. [postscript][html]
  4. Calvo, R.A. Factor Analysis in Educational Research: An Artificial Neural Network perspective Proceedings of PACES / SPICIS ?97, Singapore February 1997. [postscript]
  5. Calvo, R.A. Control no lineal con compensación feedforward empleando redes neuronales Proceedings Annual Meeting of the Argentine Physical Association, October 1994
  6. Basualdo M.S., R.A. Calvo, H.A. Ceccatto. Estrategias de control con redes neuronales aplicadas a columnas de destilación;. Proc. XIV Simposio Nacional de Control Automático (AADECA), September, 1994.
  7. Basualdo M., R.A. Calvo y H.A. Ceccatto. Neural Control Strategies of a Binary Distillation Column Proc. IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE '94), 1994.
  8. Calvo R. A., H. D. Navone y H. A. Ceccatto. Neural Network Analysis of Time Series: Applications to Climatic Data. Proc. of the Workshop Southern Hemisphere paleo and neoclimates. Review of the State of the Art (IGCP 341, UNESCO). Mendoza, 1993.
  9. Calvo R. A., M.S. Basualdo and H.A. Ceccatto. Modelado y control de sistemas no lineales. Annual Meeting of the Argentine Physical Association, October 1993.
  10. Basualdo M., R.A. Calvo, and H.A. Ceccatto. Uso de redes neuronales en el modelado dinámico y control de columnas de destilación. Proc. V Meeting on Image Processing and Control (RPIC), Tucuman, 1993.
  11. Calvo R. A., H.A. Ceccatto and R.D. Piacentini. Utilización de redes neuronales en la predicción de la actividad solar. Proc of the Argentine Radioastronomy Institute, 1992.

Abstracts, software reviews,...XS

  1. Calvo R.A., M. Basualdo, y H.A. Ceccatto. Control Feedforward utilizando redes neuronales. Reunion Anual de la Asociación Física Argentina. Bariloche. 1995.
  2. Zucchi M.R., C.E. Munte, O.R. Nascimento, M.C. Terrile, R.A. Calvo, P.G. Bolcatto, R. Calvo. Mediões de EPR em Cu(D,L - alanina)2 um antiferromagneto unidimensional. Proc. XVIII Encuentro Nacional de Materia Condensada, Sociedad Brasileña de Física, Caxambu, Brasil, 1995.
  3. Perlo C., R. A. Calvo. Software Review: Adi/ Adibu, by Coktel Educative, Revista IRICE N°9, 1994.
  4. Calvo R. A. Software Review: Tobogán, Revista IRICE N°8, 1994.
  5. Calvo, R. A., review of: Introducción al Procesamiento Distribuido en Paralelo by Rumelhart D. E. McClelland J.L. y el grupo PDP, Revista IRICE N° 7, 1993.
  6. Basualdo M.,R.A. Calvo and H.A. Ceccatto. Modelado y control de procesos químicos utilizando redes neuronales. 4th IBM Technological Meeting, Chaco, 1993. 7. Calvo R. A., H. Navone and H.A. Ceccatto. Predicción de series temporales utilizando redes neuronales. 4th IBM Technological Meeting, Chaco, 1993.

Newspaper articles

  1. Redes Neuronales destellantes. Clarin July 29, 1998.
  2. El auge de los scripts . Clarin August 5, 1998.
  3. Encontrando la aguja en el pajar. Clarin Aug, 1998.
  4. Nuevas tecnologias del Lenguaje Clarin, March 10, 1999.
  5. Tecnologias para exp[lorar la web Clarín, March 17, 1999