Neural Network analysis of time series

R. A. Calvo, H. Navone, H. A. Ceccatto

Neural Networks have proven to be usefull tools in time series analysis and forecasting. For those researchers considering using these techniques, we list a series of resources that can be helpull.


You will find in this monthly posting to the Usenet newsgroup a very complete list of freeware, shareware and comercial products. We can not suggest you any of these, since each of them have different features that you might find attractive/usefull. After clarifying this, we can say that we found that Stuttgart Neural Network Simulator (SNNS) , satisfied a number of constraints:



You might find usefull some of these scripts. You only need a perl interpreter installed in your machine.


Rafael A Calvo
Last modified: Thu Aug 20 19:17:48 EDT 1998