Professor of Computer Science, University of Milan
Parallel and Distributed Processing: Mere Routine or Exciting Future?
The talk will go back to the distributed and parallel processing work we
did at Carnegie Mellon in the 80's, Agora, Beam, etc., and analyze it from
the perspective of today's state-of-the-art technology - attempting to bring
out the "lessons learned".
Roberto Bisiani is a Professor of Computer Science at the University of
Milan, Italy. He was born and studied in Italy, but his career went
through a fifteen year detour with the Computer Science Department at
Carnegie Mellon, where he mainly worked on system issues related to speech
recognition research. His research interests are centered on computer
architecture and basic software. He has designed and built a number of
computer systems for speech recognition -- most of them have been
parallel processors. He is also interested in automatically managing
networks of computers and in teaching Computer Architecture.