SPEAKER: Friedrich (Fritz) B. Prinz

Rodney H. Adams Professor of Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science and Engineering,
Stanford University

Scaling Down, the Optimal Choice?

Being the right size is frequently an issue of controversy. In most scaling up or down improves certain performance parameters while degrading others. This contribution will discuss scaling relations for mechanical properties of engineering materials and manufacturing scenarios for massively parallel mechanical systems. Comments will also be made regarding benefits of small versus large hovering and flying devices.

Dr. Friedrich (Fritz) B. Prinz is the Rodney H. Adams Professor of Engineering in the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science & Engineering at Stanford University, Stanford, CA. In addition to his faculty positions, he is a co-chairperson of Stanford Integrated Manufacturing Association (SIMA). He received his Ph.D degree in physics at the University of Vienna, Austria. Beginning in 1981 he was a faculty member of the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University and from 1989 through 1994, he held the position as Director of the Engineering Design Research Center at Carnegie Mellon, a National Science Foundation research center. Dr. Prinz's current research activities address a wide range of problems related to intelligent design, rapid prototyping and manufacturing. He is a member of the National Research Council Board on Design and Manufacturing.

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