Public History of an INWO Game

This is a history of the beginning of an online game of Illuminati: New World Order. This is the private history of the game, with the details of every card that players had in their hand, and every conspiracy that they remembered to show me.

This trial game was played with decks that I had seen posted on the INWO list by Nick Gaut some months ago, with the assertion that the decks were reasonably balanced against each other. There were five players in the game, playing in the following order. I've added links to the decks each played.

Ralph Melton ( served as moderator and coordinator for the game. The word I in this document refers to Ralph.

The game was played by Pittsburgh House Rules.

Beginning of Game

Reveal Illuminati

All players revealed their Illuminati simultaneously:

Draw Initial Plot Cards

Most of the players had decided on their lead puppet without needing to look at their initial plot cards. Even so, each person drew three plots before the lead puppets were revealed.