Introduction to Mechanisms
Yi Zhang
Susan Finger
Stephannie Behrens
The degrees of freedom (DOF) of a rigid body is defined
as the number of independent movements it has. Figure 4-1
shows a rigid body in a plane. To determine the DOF of this body
we must consider how many distinct ways the bar can be moved. In
a two dimensional plane such as this computer screen, there are 3 DOF.
The bar can be translated along the x axis, translated
along the y axis, and rotated about its centroid.
Figure 4-1 Degrees of freedom of a rigid body in a plane
An unrestrained rigid body in space has six degrees of freedom:
three translating motions along the x, y and z
axes and three rotary motions around the x, y and
z axes respectively.
Figure 4-2 Degrees of freedom of a rigid body in space
Two or more rigid bodies in space are collectively called a rigid
body system. We can hinder the motion of these independent rigid
bodies with kinematic constraints. Kinematic
constraints are constraints between rigid bodies that result in
the decrease of the degrees of freedom of rigid body system.
The term kinematic pairs actually refers to
kinematic constraints between rigid bodies. The kinematic pairs
are divided into lower pairs and higher pairs, depending on how the two
bodies are in contact.
There are two kinds of lower pairs in planar mechanisms: revolute pairs and prismatic pairs.
A rigid body in a plane has only three independent motions -- two
translational and one rotary -- so introducing either a revolute pair
or a prismatic pair between two rigid bodies removes two degrees of
Figure 4-3 A planar revolute pair (R-pair)
Figure 4-4 A planar prismatic pair (P-pair)
There are six kinds of lower pairs under the category of spatial mechanisms. The types are: spherical pair, plane pair,
cylindrical pair, revolute
pair, prismatic pair, and screw pair.
Figure 4-5 A spherical pair (S-pair)
A spherical pair keeps two spherical centers together. Two
rigid bodies connected by this constraint will be able to
rotate relatively around x, y and z axes,
but there will be no relative translation along any of these
axes. Therefore, a spherical pair removes three degrees of freedom in
spatial mechanism. DOF = 3.
Figure 4-6 A planar pair (E-pair)
A plane pair keeps the surfaces of two rigid bodies together.
To visualize this, imagine a book lying on a table where is can move
in any direction except off the table. Two rigid bodies connected by
this kind of pair will have two independent translational motions in
the plane, and a rotary motion around the axis that is perpendicular
to the plane. Therefore, a plane pair removes three degrees of
freedom in spatial mechanism. In our example, the book would not be
able to raise off the table or to rotate into the table. DOF =
Figure 4-7 A cylindrical pair (C-pair)
A cylindrical pair keeps two axes of two rigid bodies
aligned. Two rigid bodies that are part of this kind of system will
have an independent translational motion along the axis and a relative
rotary motion around the axis. Therefore, a cylindrical pair removes
four degrees of freedom from spatial mechanism. DOF = 2.
Figure 4-8 A revolute pair (R-pair)
A revolute pair keeps the axes of two rigid bodies
together. Two rigid bodies constrained by a revolute pair have an
independent rotary motion around their common axis. Therefore, a
revolute pair removes five degrees of freedom in spatial
mechanism. DOF = 1.
Figure 4-9 A prismatic pair (P-pair)
A prismatic pair keeps two axes of two rigid bodies align and
allow no relative rotation. Two rigid bodies constrained by this kind
of constraint will be able to have an independent translational motion
along the axis. Therefore, a prismatic pair removes five degrees of
freedom in spatial mechanism. DOF = 1.
Figure 4-10 A screw pair (H-pair)
The screw pair keeps two axes of two rigid bodies aligned and
allows a relative screw motion. Two rigid bodies constrained by a
screw pair a motion which is a composition of a translational motion
along the axis and a corresponding rotary motion around the axis.
Therefore, a screw pair removes five degrees of freedom in spatial
Rigid bodies and kinematic constraints are the basic components of
mechanisms. A constrained rigid body system can be a kinematic chain, a mechanism, a structure, or none of these.
The influence of kinematic constraints in the motion of rigid bodies
has two intrinsic aspects, which are the geometrical and physical
aspects. In other words, we can analyze the motion of the constrained
rigid bodies from their geometrical relationships or using Newton's Second Law.
A mechanism is a constrained rigid body system in which one of the
bodies is the frame. The degrees of
freedom are important when considering a constrained rigid body system
that is a mechanism. It is less crucial when the system is a
structure or when it does not have definite motion.
Calculating the degrees of freedom of a rigid body system is straight
forward. Any unconstrained rigid body has six degrees of freedom in
space and three degrees of freedom in a plane. Adding kinematic
constraints between rigid bodies will correspondingly decrease the
degrees of freedom of the rigid body system. We will discuss more on
this topic for planar mechanisms in the next section.
The definition of the degrees of freedom of a mechanism
is the number of independent relative motions among the rigid bodies.
For example, Figure 4-11 shows several cases of a
rigid body constrained by different kinds of pairs.
Figure 4-11 Rigid bodies constrained by different kinds of planar pairs
In Figure 4-11a, a rigid body is constrained by a revolute pair which allows only rotational
movement around an axis. It has one degree of freedom, turning around
point A. The two lost degrees of freedom are translational movements
along the x and y axes. The only way the rigid body can
move is to rotate about the fixed point A.
In Figure 4-11b, a rigid body is constrained by a prismatic pair which allows only
translational motion. In two dimensions, it has one degree of
freedom, translating along the x axis. In this example, the
body has lost the ability to rotate about any axis, and it cannot move
along the y axis.
In Figure 4-11c, a rigid body is constrained by a higher pair. It has two degrees of
freedom: translating along the curved surface and turning about the
instantaneous contact point.
In general, a rigid body in a plane has three degrees of freedom.
Kinematic pairs are constraints on rigid bodies that reduce the
degrees of freedom of a mechanism. Figure 4-11 shows the three kinds
of pairs in planar mechanisms. These
pairs reduce the number of the degrees
of freedom. If we create a lower pair
(Figure 4-11a,b), the degrees of freedom are reduced to 2. Similarly,
if we create a higher pair (Figure
4-11c), the degrees of freedom are reduced to 1.
Figure 4-12 Kinematic Pairs in Planar Mechanisms
Therefore, we can write the following equation:
- F = total degrees of freedom in the mechanism
- n = number of links (including
the frame)
- l = number of lower pairs
(one degree of freedom)
- h = number of higher pairs
(two degrees of freedom)
This equation is also known as Gruebler's equation.
Look at the transom above the door in Figure 4-13a. The opening and
closing mechanism is shown in Figure 4-13b. Let's calculate its
degree of freedom.
Figure 4-13 Transom mechanism
n = 4 (link 1,3,3 and frame 4), l = 4 (at A, B, C, D), h = 0
Note: D and E function as a same prismatic pair, so they only
count as one lower pair.
Example 2
Calculate the degrees of freedom of the mechanisms shown in Figure 4-14b.
Figure 4-14a is an application of the mechanism.
n = 4, l = 4 (at A, B, C, D), h = 0
Example 3
Calculate the degrees of freedom of the mechanisms shown in Figure 4-15.
Figure 4-15 Degrees of freedom calculation
For the mechanism in Figure 4-15a
n = 6, l = 7, h = 0
For the mechanism in Figure 4-15b
n = 4, l = 3, h = 2
Note: The rotation of the roller does not influence the
relationship of the input and output motion of the mechanism. Hence,
the freedom of the roller will not be considered; It is called a
passive or redundant degree of freedom.
Imagine that the roller is welded to link 2 when counting the degrees
of freedom for the mechanism.
The number of degrees of freedom of a mechanism
is also called the mobility of the device. The
mobility is the number of input parameters (usually pair
variables) that must be independently controlled to bring the device
into a particular position. The Kutzbach criterion,
which is similar to Gruebler's equation,
calculates the mobility.
In order to control a mechanism, the number of independent input
motions must equal the number of degrees of freedom of the mechanism.
For example, the transom in Figure 4-13a
has a single degree of freedom, so it needs one independent input
motion to open or close the window. That is, you just push or pull rod 3
to operate the window.
To see another example, the mechanism in Figure
4-15a also has 1 degree of freedom. If an independent input is
applied to link 1 (e.g., a motor is mounted on joint A to drive
link 1), the mechanism will have the a prescribed motion.
Finite transformation is used to describe the motion of a point on
rigid body and the motion of the rigid body itself.
Figure 4-16 Point on a planar rigid body rotated through an angle
Suppose that a point P on a rigid body goes through a rotation
describing a circular path from P1 to
P2 around the origin of a coordinate system. We can
describe this motion with a rotation operator
Figure 4-17 Point on a planar rigid body translated through a distance
Suppose that a point P on a rigid body goes through a
translation describing a straight path from P1 to
P2 with a change of coordinates of ( x, y). We can describe this
motion with a translation operator T12:
Figure 4-18 Concatenation of finite planar displacements in space
Suppose that a point P on a rigid body goes through a rotation
describing a circular path from P1 to
P2' around the origin of a coordinate system, then
a translation describing a straight path from P2' to
P2. We can represent these two steps by
We can concatenate these motions to get
where D12 is the planar general displacement operator
We have discussed various transformations to describe the
displacements of a point on rigid body. Can these operators be
applied to the displacements of a system of points such as a rigid
We used a 3 x 1 homogeneous column matrix to describe a vector
representing a single point. A beneficial feature of the planar 3 x 3
translational, rotational, and general displacement matrix operators
is that they can easily be programmed on a computer to manipulate a 3
x n matrix of n column vectors representing n points of a rigid body.
Since the distance of each particle of a rigid body from every other
point of the rigid body is constant, the vectors locating each point
of a rigid body must undergo the same transformation when the rigid
body moves and the proper axis, angle, and/or translation is specified
to represent its motion. (Sandor
& Erdman 84). For example, the general planar transformation
for the three points A, B, C on a rigid body can be represented
We can describe a spatial rotation operator for the rotational
transformation of a point about an unit axis u passing through the
origin of the coordinate system. Suppose the rotational angle of the point
about u is ,
the rotation operator will be expressed by
- ux, uy, uz are the othographical
projection of the unit axis u on x, y, and
z axes, respectively.
- s
- c
- v
= 1 -
Suppose that a point P on a rigid body goes through a
translation describing a straight path from P1 to
P2 with a change of coordinates of ( x, y, z), we can describe this
motion with a translation operator T:
Suppose a point P on a rigid body rotates with an angular
displacement about an unit axis u passing through the origin of
the coordinate system at first, and then followed by a translation
Du along u. This composition of this rotational
transformation and this translational transformation is a screw
motion. Its corresponding matrix operator, the screw
operator, is a concatenation of the translation operator in Equation 4-7 and the rotation operator in Equation 4-9.
For a system of rigid bodies, we can establish a local Cartesian
coordinate system for each rigid body. Transformation matrices are
used to describe the relative motion between rigid bodies.
For example, two rigid bodies in a space each have local coordinate
systems x1y1z1 and
x2y2z2. Let point P be
attached to body 2 at location (x2, y2,
z2) in body 2's local coordinate system. To find the
location of P with respect to body 1's local coordinate system,
we know that that the point x2y2z2
can be obtained from x1y1z1 by
combining translation Lx1 along the x axis and
rotation z about z
axis. We can derive the transformation matrix as follows:
If rigid body 1 is fixed as a frame, a
global coordinate system can be created on this body. Therefore, the
above transformation can be used to map the local coordinates of a
point into the global coordinates.
The transformation matrix above is a specific example for two
unconstrained rigid bodies. The transformation matrix depends on the
relative position of the two rigid bodies. If we connect two rigid
bodies with a kinematic constraint, their
degrees of freedom will be decreased. In other words, their relative
motion will be specified in some extent.
Suppose we constrain the two rigid bodies above with a revolute pair as shown in Figure 4-19. We can
still write the transformation matrix in the same form as Equation 4-18.
Figure 4-19 Relative position of points on constrained bodies
The difference is that the Lx1 is a constant
now, because the revolute pair fixes the origin of coordinate system
x2y2z2 with respect to coordinate system
x1y1z1. However, the rotation
is still a variable. Therefore, kinematic constraints specify the
transformation matrix to some extent.
Denavit-Hartenberg notation (Denavit & Hartenberg 55) is
widely used in the transformation of coordinate systems of linkages and robot mechanisms. It can be
used to represent the transformation matrix between links as shown in
the Figure 4-20.
Figure 4-20 Denavit-Hartenberg Notation
In this figure,
- zi-1 and zi are the axes of two revolute pairs;
is the included angle of axes xi-1 and xi;
- di is the distance between the origin of the coordinate system
xi-1yi-1zi-1 and the foot of the common
- ai is the distance between two feet of the common perpendicular;
is the included angle of axes zi-1 and zi;
The transformation matrix will be T(i-1)i
The above transformation matrix can be denoted as T(ai,
i, i, di)
for convenience.
A linkage is composed of several constrained rigid bodies. Like a
mechanism, a linkage should have a frame. The matrix method can be
used to derive the kinematic equations of the linkage. If all the
links form a closed loop, the concatenation of all of the
transformation matrices will be an identity matrix. If the mechanism
has n links, we will have:
T12T23...T(n-1)n = I (4-20)
Complete Table of Contents
- 1 Introduction to Mechanisms
- 2 Mechanisms and Simple Machines
- 3 More on Machines and Mechanisms
- 4 Basic Kinematics of Constrained Rigid Bodies
- 4.1 Degrees of Freedom of a Rigid Body
- 4.1.1Degrees of Freedom of a Rigid Body in a Plane
- 4.1.2 Degrees of Freedom of a Rigid Body in Space
- 4.2 Kinematic Constraints
- 4.2.1 Lower Pairs in Planar Mechanisms
- 4.2.2 Lower Pairs in Spatial Mechanisms
- 4.3 Constrained Rigid Bodies
- 4.4 Degrees of Freedom of Planar Mechanisms
- 4.4.1 Gruebler's Equation
- 4.2.2 4.4.2 Kutzbach Criterion
- 4.5 4.5 Finite Transformation
- 4.5.1 Finite Planar Rotational Transformation
- 4.5.2 Finite Planar Translational Transformation
- 4.5.3 Concatenation of Finite Planar
- 4.5.4 Planar Rigid-Body Transformation
- 4.5.5 Spatial Rotational Transformation
- 4.5.6 Spatial Translational Transformation
- 4.5.7 Spatial Translation and Rotation Matrix for
Axis Through the Origin
- 4.6 Transformation Matrix Between Rigid Bodies
- 4.6.1 Transformation Matrix Between two Arbitray
Rigid Bodies
- 4.6.2 Kinematic Constraints Between
Two Rigid Bodies
- 4.6.3 Denavit-Hartenberg Notation
- 4.6.4 Application of Transformation Matrices
to Linkages
- 5 Planar Linkages
- 6 Cams
- 7 Gears
- 8 Other Mechanisms
- Index
- References