This is the primary information server for the Synthesis Engineering Education Coalition, offering the following resources:
- last updated 10/18/95
Strategic Plan
Industrial Partners
NEEDS Courseware Database Access
Other Synthesis Servers
Other NSF Engineering Education Coalitions
Personnel Directory
The Synthesis Coalition is a union of eight diverse institutions: California Polytechnic State University at San Luis Obispo, Cornell University, Hampton University, Iowa State University, Southern University, Stanford University, Tuskegee University, and the University of California at Berkeley. This group is funded by the National Science Foundation to design, implement and assess new approaches to undergraduate engineering education that emphasize multidisciplinary synthesis, teamwork and communication, hands-on and laboratory experiences, open-ended problem formulation and solving, and examples of "best practices" from industry. Together, these institutions contribute a broad geographical diversity, a history of collaboration in education, a balance of sizes, missions, and institutional types, and a shared commitment to restructuring engineering education.
It is our belief that most engineering programs are overburdened with course requirements, excessive compartmentalization, and general lack of excitement and motivation. The Synthesis Coalition seeks to restructure undergraduate engineering education by developing, experimenting with and evaluating the effectiveness of a variety of innovative curricula, delivery systems, settings and pedagogies. It is undertaking activities to improve the image of engineering as a field of study and as a profession, to attract and retain students and professionals.
The Synthesis Coalition's strategy in pursuing these goals is distinctive in its focus. We promote the innovative use of information technologies, to attract and to inspire teachers and learners with approaches that go far beyond current teaching and learning strategies. And we concentrate on the extension and integration of engineering knowledge - across disciplines, among institutions, and within society as a whole - throughout the individual's career.
Jeff Aldrich - Synthesis Information Resource Coordinator
jca - 9/26/95