Fused Desposition Modeling
Rapid Prototyper
"3D Printer"

From Wikipedia: "Fused deposition modeling, which is often referred to by its initials FDM, is a type of rapid prototyping or rapid manufacturing (RP) technology commonly used within engineering design."

The FDM process is a great process when making a multitude of identical parts. The only time required on the designers watch is a fraction of the overall manufacturing time. The designer needs only to make a CAD model of the part, save it as an .stl file and send it to the machine. Once the CAD model is made, the machine does all of the work, layering thin strips of plastic and eventually building up the part. From our groups experience, it is best if you make your part hollow, or with as little surface material necessay due to the price of the plastic used in the FDM machine. If only making one part, this machine might not be the best use of time or resources, but when hundereds of parts are needed and the only time you have on the project is to design them, then this process is for you. After the computer recieves the design file, it is safe to be left alone, even over night, so other work can be done, saving time and money in the long run.