The Tumble Maze

The Tumble Maze is a plastic sphere of around the size of a basket ball or soccer ball. It is coated with a clear cusion material like silicon to now only allow for grip but to make the outer surface softer and less possible dangerous. The outer layer houses a maze that a person playing with a game is intended to navigate a deposit of liquid through until it reaches a resivour located in the center of the ball. This navigation can be done in any fashion that the user can thing ok. The toy is based around the concepts of basic physics, trial and error, and the basic concepts of fluids. The manufacturing process for this toy would consist of making the toy in layers that combined to form the sphere shape. The center resivorue and inner most layer would have to be made out of a strong and somewhat rigid plastic, but it is possible that all layers after that could be made of a softer more felexible material that would allow for thigns like kicking to not break a user's foot.

Toy concept 1 | Toy concept 3
< Your name >
Carnegie Mellon University
January 23, 2007