The Matroshka Fish
Everybody loves the little Russian dolls that fit inside each other, now experience the same joy with fish!

Wind up the fish as with any small toy with a spring and gearbox, and watch the each fish eat the fish in front of it, and then consequentially get eaten itself.
- Simply wind the spring and gearbox and watch the fish eat each other. Flip a switch on the belly of the fish to reverse the order and watch the fish spit their stomach contents out.
- The Matroshka Fish utilizes the concept of stored potential energy in a spring, along with rotational inertia, to provide hours of amusement.
- Cost is not an issue for this toy, as all pieces are made via plastic molds. Durability is a larger issue however, since there is constant winding, unwinding, and a possiblity of collisions with outside objects. As far as safety is concerned, the smaller fish in the set could be hazardous. However, parents can simply take away the smaller marine animals and let their kids safely enjoy the larger ones.
Toy concept 1 | Toy concept 2
Paul Kimball
Carnegie Mellon University
January 19, 2010