Stack 'Em Up
Design of Toy

A 3-D Combination of Tetris, Lego's and War
- What could be better than your three favorite games as a child combine into one? The actual thing!
- Stack 'Em Up is based on three kids games:
- Children take turns of playing 2 pieces of various shape and size and try to strategically make a 3x3x1 block of their color tile to score points.
- As larger blocks are made points awarded increase, just like getting 2, 3 or 4 rows in tetris.
- It combines the fun times of all three into a 3-D game that teaches kids of all ages the ideas of balance.
- Balance comes into play because you can build up but may not always have a perfect base to build on so tiles may fall if not placed correctly.
- The toy blocks can be made from any material from wood to plastic whichever is cheapest to manufacture.
- Cost would be around that of a board game like Scrablle of Pictionary where you interact with multiple people.
- Selling price would be around 30 dollars due to complexity.
- Children ages 3+ depending on the size of the pieces made.
- Ideal age would be over 7 so that they can interact more with the strategy.
Heli Shooter | The Uni-Launcher
Richard Musgrave
Carnegie Mellon University
January 19, 2010