Ricardo Silva
CALD - Center for Automated Learning and Discovery
Wean Hall 3717
Carnegie Mellon University
(412) 268-5521

Fast facts:
I am finishing the Computational and Statistical Learning PhD program at Carnegie Mellon University. My primary work is in causality discovery from observational data with Richard Scheines, Clark Glymour and Peter Spirtes. Currently, I am moving to London for a couple of years as a post-doc. THIS HOMEPAGE IS OUT-OF-DATE. The current one is at Gatsby.

Research Statement


Automatic Discovery of Latent Variables

Under review
  • Learning the structure of linear latent variable models . With Richard Scheines, Clark Glymour and Peter Spirtes. A formal approach for identifying structural features in linear graphs where no conditional independencies are observable. To the best of our knowledge, this the first work to state theoretical guarantees of identifiability; 

Selected publications

Other publications/reports

Last modification: Dec 07 2004