Roger B. Dannenberg
Emeritus Professor of Computer Science, Art & Music
Carnegie Mellon University
Office: By appointment. I'm mostly working at home now.
Fax: 412-268-5576
Email: rbd at
Assistant: Christina Contreras
For More Information
- Dec 19 ACM ByteCast Ep61: Roger Dannenberg (36 min) Interview with ACM is online (audio and transcript).
- Dec 9 Lecture: “Repetition, Structure and Entropy in Music,” NYU GenAudio club Expert Talk,
NYU Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, and Human Development, NY.
- Dec 9 Introduction to Computer Music, 3rd Ed. is now available on Amazon in paperback and ebook formats.
- Jun 6 Panelist at Arts Engagement in an AI World at Indiana University Center for Cultural Affairs, AI Hallucinations roundtable, 2:45-3:45pm.
- May 9 Panelist at Tech-Enhanced Music Education Symposium (TEMES) at McGill University's Schulich School of Music (online).
- Feb 19 Performance of Felicità,
composed by Jorge Sastre and Roger Dannenberg, Casa de Misericordia,
Valencia, Spain. Two performances.
- Jan 24, 2024 I am proud to become a Fellow of the ACM.
Courses Taught
Research Interests
- Computer Music: sound synthesis, interactive performance systems, music
representation, music understanding.
- Real-Time and Multimedia Systems: especially the problems of
constructing reliable, modular, complex interactive systems.
- Computer-Based Instruction: using Instructional Design concepts and
Multimedia for practical, large curriculum, effective instruction systems.
- Research description from the CMU CSD Faculty Research Guide
True story: In Pittsburgh called to interview me. At one point
the reporter asked if “Roger Dannenberg, trumpeter” would
be right, and I said “trumpeter, composer, computer scientist,
whatever you want.” The reporter got excited, ”ooh, I like that,
‘trumpeter, composer, computer scientist’. They may edit out
‘computer scientist’ but I'll put it in anyway.”

Photo by Alisa.
roger "dot" dannenberg "at" cs "dot" cmu "dot" edu