
Many people have contributed to CMT, which grew out of early computer music systems used in the CMU Computer and Electronic Music Studio. Dean Rubine wrote the first MPU-401 interface routines with help from Dale Amon. Joe Newcomer ported this first version to his IBM-AT and helped clear up many of our interrupt problems. Aaron Wohl wrote routines to use the PC timer and made many good suggestions for improvements. The Tuning program and the initial tuning software were written by Michael Cressman. The Step program was written by Dean Rubine. Early development work was done on the IBM-XT in the CMU Computer and Electronic Music Studio. This machine was part of a grant from IBM. John Maloney ported CMT to the Macintosh. Jean-Christophe Dhellemmes ported CMT to the Commodore-Amiga, using MIDI software originally part of Harmony, a program developed by Carnegie Mellon and Cherry Lane Technology. Ralph Bellofatto wrote much of Harmony. The Amiga port was made possible through support from Commodore-Amiga. Apple provided the machines on which most of the Macintosh porting was done. CMT was ported back from the Amiga to the Mac by Damon Horowitz and to DOS by George Logemann. John Williams assisted in these ports. Leigh Smith reimplemented the DOS/MPU-401 drivers, and Lorin Grubb has provided additional bug fixes and support for the DOS version. The ports to the IBM RS/6000 under AIX and to Mach for the i386 were supported by IBM as part of the Multimedia Testbed project, and were performed primarily by Jim Zelenka.

George Logemann has worked extensively with CMT and has contributed enormously to its development. He contributed several Adagio score examples, the Cascades demo directory tree, and most importantly, he uncovered innumerable bugs by giving CMT a thorough workout. In many cases, this led to new and better design and documentation as well as bug fixes.

The Midiprint application (see Section ``Midiprt, A Standard Midi File Printer'') and alternative interface support for the PC versions of CMT (see Appendix ``Non-MPU-401 MIDI Interfaces'' were also contributed by George Logemann.

Collaboration with Ken Bookstein resulted in the Conduct program. Ken's combination of a very demanding application, technical expertise, and infinite patience made the Conduct program possible.

The cover design for the published version of this manual is by Kay Kowalski, and the music manuscript is from Peter Velikonja's score to ``Spomin.''

I also wish to acknowledge support from CMU through the Music Department, the Computer Science Department, the Center for the Design of Educational Computing, the Information Technology Center, and especially the Studio for Creative Inquiry (formerly the the Center for Art and Technology.)


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