NAACL 2001CALL FOR PAPERSLanguage Technologies 2001:
General Conference Chair: Lori Levin (Carnegie Mellon
Program Chair: Kevin Knight (USC/Information Sciences
Institute), naaclpgm@isi.edu
Local Arrangements: Alon Lavie (Carnegie Mellon
Senior Program Committee:
Eric Brill, Microsoft Research,
Ann Copestake, Cambridge University and CSLI,
Marti Hearst, UC Berkeley,
Aravind Joshi, University of Pennsylvania,
Andrew Kehler, UC San Diego,
Elliott Macklovitch, University of Montreal,
Fernando Pereira, WhizBang! Labs,
Owen Rambow, AT&T Research,
Elizabeth Shriberg, SRI,
Ralph Weischedel, BBN,
Papers are invited on substantial, original, and unpublished research contributions on all aspects of computational linguistics, including, but not limited to:
Submissions will be hardcopy. Submissions must use the appropriate ACL latex style or Microsoft Word style (links to style files are on http://www.isi.edu/natural-language/naacl01/notification-of-submission.html ). Submissions should follow the two-column format of ACL proceedings and should not exceed eight (8) pages, including references. If you cannot use the ACL-standard styles directly, a description of the required format will be available on the conference web page. If you cannot access the conference web page or have other questions about submissions, send email to naaclpgm@isi.edu.
Reviewing will be blind. Thus, a separate identification page is required. The identification page should include the following:
Authors' names and affiliations should be omitted from the paper itself. Furthermore, self-references that reveal the author's identity (e.g., "We previously showed (Smith, 1991) ... ") should be avoided. Instead, use citations such as "Smith previously showed (Smith, 1991) ...".
Papers that do not conform to these requirements are subject to being rejected without review.
1) Submission notification: You must submit a notification of submission
by filling out a form on the conference web page
http://www.cs.cmu.edu/~ref/naacl2001.html by November 6, 2000. This will
return to you an email with a paper ID number that should be included
(printed or handwritten) on the first page of the paper and on the
identification page. Also, please use it on all correspondence with the
program committee chair.
The form will be available on the web after
October 1, 2000.
2) Paper submission: send six (6) hardcopies of your submission and two (2)
hardcopies of your identification page to:
Kevin Knight (Program Chair, NAACL 2001)
USC/Information Sciences Institute
4676 Admiralty Way
Marina del Rey, CA 90292
Remember to include your ID number on all submissions and identification pages. Late submissions will be returned unopened. Notification of receipt will be emailed to the first author shortly after receipt.