Tuesday, June 5
9:15 10:30 OLAC: The Open Language Archives Community
Steven Bird, Gary Simons and Eva Banik
9:15 10:30 The BLS Language Engine
Charles F. Diggins
9:15 10:30 Interactive Conceptual Tutoring in Atlas-Andes
Carolyn P. Rosé, Michael Boettner, Pamela Jordan, Maxim Makatchev, Uma Pappuswamy, Michael Ringenberg, Antonio Roque, Stephanie Siler, Ramesh Srivastava, Kurt Vanlehn and Anders Weinstein
10:45 12:00 A Tutorial Dialogue System for Helping Students Learn Through Self-Explanation
Vincent Aleven, Octav Popescu and Kenneth R. Koedinger
10:45 12:00 JYAG & IDEY: A Template-Based Generator and Its Authoring Tool
Songsak Channarukul, Susan W. McRoy and Syed S. Ali
10:45 12:00 The KANTOO MT System: Controlled Language Checker and Knowledge Maintenance Tool
Teruko Mitamura, Eric Nyberg, Kathy Baker, David Svoboda, Enrique Torrejon and Michael Duggan
12:00 15:00 Lunch Break & Invited Speaker
15:00 16:15 SpeechWorks Multi-Modal Dialog Engine
Bob Carpenter, Sasha Caskey and Roberto Pieraccini
15:00 16:15 Demonstration of a Spoken Dialogue Interface to a Mobile Semi-Autonomous Robot
John Dowding, Jim Hieronymus, Beth Ann Hockey, Frankie James and Manny Rayner
15:00 16:15 Speech Interaction in a Shiphandling Trainer
Bruce Roberts
16:30 17:45 Building Annotation Tools with the Annotation Graph Toolkit
Steven Bird, Kazuaki Maeda, Xiaoyi Ma and Haejoong Lee
16:30 17:45 UNL: A Multi-Lingual System for Information Exchange in Internet
Jesús Cardeñosa, Luis Iraola, Ramón Armada, Edmundo Tovar, Igor Boguslavsky and Irina Prodanof
16:30 17:45 GoDiS - QUD-based Dialogue Management in a Multi-Domain Dialogue System
Staffan Larsson and Stina Ericsson

Wednesday, June 6
9:15 10:30 Interbot: A Multi-Modal Interface to Mobile Robots
Dennis Perzanowski, Alan Schultz, William Adams, Kenneth Wauchope, Elaine Marsh and Magda Bugajska
9:15 10:30 Contextual Dialogue Prompter
Dan Stevenson
10:45 12:00 An Algorithm for Aspects of Semantic Interpretation Using an Enhanced WordNet
Fernando Gomez
10:45 12:00 A Controlled Language Checker Based on the Ellogon Text Engineering Platform
Vangelis Karkaletsis, Georgios Samaritakis, Georgios Petasis, Dimitra Farmakiotou, Ion Androutsopoulos, S. Markantonatou and Constantine D. Spyropoulos
10:45 12:00 TransType: A User Oriented Interactive Machine Translation System
Philippe Langlais, George Foster and Guy Lapalme
10:45 12:00 SevenTones: Search in Linguistics and Languages
Zhiping Zheng
12:00 15:00 Lunch Break, Business Meeting & Invited Speaker
16:15 17:30 Flexible Dialogue Management in the ADVICE Project
Javier Calle-Goméz, Ana Garcia-Serrano and Luis Rodrigo
16:15 17:30 The FrameNet II Tools and Frame Semantic Representation
Beau Cronin and Collin F. Baker
16:15 17:30 Variation of Language Models in Three Spoken Dialog Systems
Genevieve Gorrell, Manny Rayner, Beth Ann Hockey, John Dowding and Johan Boye

Thursday, June 7
9:15 10:30 AutoTutor in Two Content Domains
Natalie K. Person and Arthur C. Graesser
9:15 10:30 Demonstration of Collaborative Interface Applications using Collagen
Candy Sidner
9:15 10:30 Sary: Reusable Components and Tools for Searching Large Corpora
Satoru Takabayashi
10:45 12:00 XLFG: A Parser to Learn LFG Framework
Lionel Clément
10:45 12:00 A Multi-Modal Dialogue System for Human-Robot Conversation
Oliver Lemon, Anne Bracy, Alexander Gruenstein and Stanley Peters
10:45 12:00 MESIA: Extending Web Queries with Linguistic Knowledge
Paloma Martinez, Ana Garcia-Serrano and Luis Rodrigo Aguado
10:45 12:00 A Hands-on Demonstration of Project LISTEN's Reading Tutor and Its Embedded Experiments
Jack Mostow, Greg Aist, Juliet Bey, Paul Burkhead, Andrew Cuneo, Susan Bossbach, Brian Tobin, Joe Valeri and Sara Wilson