NAACL 2001
Special features of NAACL-2001:
Invited talks by:
Tom Mitchell:
"Machine Learning and Extracting Information from the Web"
Aravind Joshi:
"Language Modeling of Biological Data"
Jon Kleinberg:
"Structure and Content in World Wide Web Search"
- Extended Exhibit Session: A special full day ballroom
exhibit session for the expanding range of
language-technology-related companies has been organized for June 6. The session will include traditional
exhibits as well as special feature
presentations from selected language technology companies.
- Optional extra social events:
a baseball game and a barn dance.
- In addition to the usual email room, we will have
ethernet connections available for laptops, and for those who
register their WaveLAN devices in advance,
wireless access to
the Internet throughout Carnegie Mellon's campus. (Details of
WaveLAN registration are now
The proceedings of the conference and all workshops will be
available on CDROM.