Student Research Workshop Program

Monday, June 4
10:30 10:40 Opening Comments
10:40 11:20 Building a Bilingual Dictionary with Scarce Resources: A Genetic Algorithm Approach
Benjamin Han
11:20 12:00 Automatic Detection of Noun Phrases in English and Estonian Electronic Texts
Maarika Traat
12:00 12:40 Answer Fusion with On-line Ontology Development
Roxana Gîrju
12:40 2:00 LUNCH BREAK
2:00 2:40 APT: Arabic Part-of-speech Tagger
Shereen Khoja
2:40 3:20 A Probabilistic Model for Automatic Document Categorization
Takeshi Masuyama
3:20 4:00 Lynx: Building a Statistical Parser from a Rule-Based Parser
Peter Venable
4:00 4:30 BREAK
4:30 5:30 PANEL DISCUSSION: Careers in Computational Linguistics