NAACL 2001


The organizers of the Second Meeting of the North American Chapter of the ACL invite proposals for the Tutorial Program for NAACL-2001, to be held in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 2-7 June 2001. The tutorials will be held on June 2nd.

Each tutorial should be well-focused so that its core content can be covered in a three hour tutorial slot (plus a 30 minute break). In exceptional cases, 6-hour tutorial slots are possible as well.

There will be space and time for between four and six three-hour tutorials.


Dekang Lin, Department of Computing Science, University of Alberta,


Proposals for tutorials should contain: Proposals should be submitted by electronic mail, in plain ASCII (iso8859-1) text as soon as possible, but no later than December 20, 2000.

Please E-mail proposals to, with the subject line: "NAACL 2001 TUTORIAL PROPOSAL".

Please Note: Proposals will not be accepted by regular mail or fax.


Accepted tutorial speakers must provide descriptions of their tutorials for inclusion in the Conference Registration material by February 14, 2001. The description must be provided in three formats: a latex version that fits onto 1/2 page; an ASCII (iso8859-1) version that can be included with the email announcement; an HTML version that can be included on the Conference home page. Tutorial speakers will provide tutorial materials, at least containing copies of the overhead sheets used, by April 25, 2001.


The current NAACL policy is that tutorials are reimbursed at the following rate: $500 per session plus $25 per registrant in the range 21-50 plus $15 per registrant in excess of 50. Note that this is per tutorial, not per presenter: multiple presenters will split the proceeds, the default assumption being an even split. The NAACL does not usually cover travel expenses except where the presenter(s) are not independently attending the conference and getting travel reimbursed.


Submission deadline for Tutorial Proposal: 20-Dec-00
Notification of acceptance of Tutorial Proposal: 10-Jan-01
Tutorial descriptions due to Tutorial Chair: 14-Feb-01
Tutorial course material due to Tutorial Chair: 25-Apr-01
Tutorials Date: 02-Jun-01