Robot Wars #2:
Sojourner vs Nomad

By Noah Simmons (Age 9)


Inside: Sojerner vs. Nomad
By: Noah Simmons
Robot Wars Issue #2
Brought to you by: Mind Matters

Nomad shoots… Oh! Save by Sojerner! Sojerner shoots… Save by Nomad! Sojerner shoots… and scores! 1-0.

Sojerner shoots… Oh! Beautiful save by Nomad! Sojerner shoots again… save by Nomad! Sojerner shoots… and scores! 2-0.

Nomad shoots… save by sojerner! Sojerner shoots a missile and three lasers… he shoots and scores! Sojerner will play Xavier in the next issue! 6-0.

"You may now pass to the next level"


Robot Wars | #1 Xavier vs Gieves and Amelia | FAQ