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This contortion of Jaques' advice from Shakespeare's comedy As You Like It, charactures the speaker's perspective on what the world is coming to. In this case "telerobot" may be taken broadly to mean any machine having sensors, effectors,its own control loop closure through a computer, and a communication link to a human supervisor. The talk will review what is happening not only in robotics but also in planes, trains, automobiles (to also quote fromm the Steve Martin film) medical systems, and so on. Research challenges which are common among the various applications as well as social implications will be addressed.
Thomas B. Sheridan received the BS degree from Purdue Univ.(1951), the MS degree from Univ. of California at Los Angeles (1954), the ScD degree from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA (1959), and the Dr. (honorary) from Delft Univ. of Technology, Netherlands (1991). For most of his professional career he has remained at MIT, where he was Assiatant, Associate and Professor of Mechanical Engineering and now is Professor of Engineering and Applied Psychology, Professor of Aeronautics and Astronautics, and Director of the Human-Machine Systems Laboratory.
His research interests are in experimentation, modeling, and design of human-machine systems in aviation, automobile driving, space and undersea robotics, process control and medicine.
He is coauthor of Man-Machine Systems (MIT Press, 1981, 84; USSR, 1981), coeditor of Monitoring Behavior and Supervisory Control (Plenum, 1976), and author of Telerobotics, Automation, and Human Supervisory Control (MIT Press, 1992). He is currently Co-editor of the MIT Press journal Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments and serves on a number of editorial boards. He chaired the National Research Council's Committee on Human Factors, has served on various other government advisory committees.
Dr. Sheridan was President of the IEEE Systems, Man and Cybernetics Society, Editor of IEEE Transactions on Man-Machine Systems, received their Norbert Wiener and Franklin Taylor awards, and is an IEEE Fellow and Centennial Medalist. He is also a Fellow of the Human Factors Society, recipient of their Paul M. Fitts Award for contributions to education, and was recently President of HFS. Robotics, Control and Society; Essays in Honor of Thomas B. Sheridan (edited by N.Moray, W.R. Ferrell and W.B. Rouse) was published by Taylor and Francis in 1991.
Host: Yangsheng Xu (xu@cs.cmu.edu) Appointment: Lalit Katragadda (lalit@cs.cmu.edu)