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4:00pm, Adamson Wing, Baker Hall
The maneuvering performance of present-day underwater robotic vehicles
is limited by a variety of problems in dynamical modeling, actuation,
control, and navigation. This talk reports recent advances by the
speaker and collaborators in the areas of navigation, actuator
modeling, and closed-loop model-based control of underwater vehicles,
and discusses open research issues. These issues will be examined in
the context of recent field deployments of the Jason and Argo II
underwater robotic vehicles at full ocean depth in the Mediterranean
Sea and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Biographical Sketch
Louis Whitcomb received his bachelor's degree in mechanical
engineering and his doctorate in electrical engineering from Yale
University in 1984 and 1992, respectively. In 1984-86 he was with
GM-Fanuc Robotics in Detroit. In 1993-1995 he held post-doctoral
fellowships at the University of Tokyo and the Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution. He has received a 1996 CAREER award from
the National Science Foundation and a 1997 Young Investigator Award
from the Office of Naval Research. Whitcomb holds appointments as
Visiting Investigator at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the Johns Hopkins
For appointments, please contact the host: Sanjiv Singh, ssingh@frc.ri.cmu.edu
The RI Seminar Home Page: www.frc.ri.cmu.edu/~mcm/seminar.html
Email: robsem-list-request@cs.cmu.edu