Robotics Institute Seminar, April 3, 1998
Robotics Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh PA 15213-3891
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Grasping and Manipulation: Geometry and Algorithms
Jean Ponce
Department of Computer Science and Beckman Institute
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Place and Time
Adamson Wing, Baker Hall
Refreshments 3:15 pm
Talk 3:30 pm
I will discuss the problem of grasping and manipulating
objects with simple mechanisms. The proposed approach is based on a
detailed analysis of the problem geometry in configuration space. Its
main novelty is that it does not assume that contact is maintained
during the execution of the grasping/manipulation task, nor does it
rely on detailed models of friction or dynamics. Instead, the range of
possible object motions for a given mechanism configuration is
characterized in configuration space, and this allows for the
construction of manipulation plans guaranteed to succeed as long as
jamming due to high friction forces does not occur. I will illustrate
this approach with simulations and actual experiments involving
modular fixtures, a new reconfigurable gripper built in our
laboratory, and disc robots used in pushing tasks.
(Joint work with Attawith Sudsang.)
Speaker Biography
Jean Ponce is an associate professor of computer science at the
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His received his Doctorat
de Troisieme Cycle and his Doctorat d'Etat in Computer Science from
the University of Paris in 1983 and 1988 respectively. Dr. Ponce
joined the University of Illinois in 1990 after holding research
positions at INRIA, MIT and Stanford University. His research
interests are in computer vision and robotics, and include shape
representation, object recognition, motion analysis, automatic model
acquisition from images, image-based rendering, grasping and
Speaker Appointments
For appointments, please contact the host, Martial Hebert, at