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Spring 1998 Schedule

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Robotics Institute Seminar, February 20, 1998
Robotics Institute
Carnegie Mellon University
Pittsburgh PA 15213-3891
412/268-8525 . 412/268-5576 (fax)

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Computational Sensors for Vision

Vladimir M. Brajovic
Research Scientist
The Robotics Institute
Carnegie-Mellon University

Place and Time
Adamson Wing, Baker Hall
Refreshments 3:15 pm
Talk 3:30 pm

Computational Sensors are VLSI chips that integrate processing with sensing. In the case of vision, computational sensors can be envisioned as cameras that integrate image processing onboard.

One half of my presentation will be of a tutorial nature. I will review various on-chip computational approaches that have appeared in the community over last 5-10 years. In the second half I will present my recent work and the CMU approach to computational sensors for vision. I will present several chip solutions and results.

The talk will benefit broad audience, and especially those who use image and optical sensing in their research. What are the most pressing issues and problems about your cameras that make your vision research difficult? Bring these issues to the seminar for an interactive discussion.

Speaker Biography
Dr. Brajovic obtained his masters degree in Electrical Engineering from Rutgers university and his PhD in Robotics from Carnegie Mellon University. His doctoral thesis dealt with the VLSI computational sensors implementation of global vision operations. His current research interests include VLSI computational sensors design for real-time low-latency adaptive machine perception, machine vision, signal processing and optics. He received the Anton Philips Award at the 1996 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation.

Speaker Appointments
For appointments, please contact the speaker, Vladimir Brajovic, at brajovic+@cs.cmu.edu.

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Maintained by Salvatore Domenick Desiano (sal@ri.cmu.edu).