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Robotics Institute Seminar, March 20, 1998
Robotics Institute Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh PA 15213-3891 412/268-8525 . 412/268-5576 (fax)
Color and Texture Metrics for Image Database Navigation
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Abstract A new distance between two distributions, called the Earth Mover's Distance (EMD), is introduced. The EMD reflects the minimal amount of work that must be performed to transform one distribution into the other by moving ``distribution mass'' around. This is a special case of the transportation problem from linear optimization, for which efficient algorithms are available. The EMD also allows for partial matching. When used to compare distributions that have the same overall mass, the EMD is a true metric, and has easy-to-compute lower bounds. In this talk I focus on applications to image databases, especially color and texture. The EMD can be used to exhibit the structure of color-distribution and texture spaces by means of Multi-Dimensional Scaling displays. I also propose a novel approach to the problem of navigating through a collection of color images, which leads to a new paradigm for image database search.
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