The Robotics Institute
RI | Seminar | December 8, 2000

Robotics Institute Seminar, December 8, 2000
Place and Time | Seminar Abstract | Speaker Biography | Speaker Appointments

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White Squares on Black Backgrounds: Computer Vision in the 21st Century

Simon Baker
Robotics Institute
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University

Place and Time
1305 Newell-Simon Hall
Refreshments 3:15 pm
Talk 3:30 pm

White Squares on Black Backgrounds (WSOBB) are of fundamental importance in Computer Vision (particularly in Computer Vision 101.) In this talk, I will describe three ongoing projects involving WSOBB, the first concerning Theoretical WSOBB, the second Synthetic WSOBB, and the third Real WSOBB. I will also describe applications of WSOBB to stereo, face recognition, and human-computer interaction.

Speaker Biography
Simon Baker is a Research Scientist in the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, where he conducts research in Computer Vision. Before joining the Robotics Institute in September 1998, he was a Graduate Research Assistant at Columbia University, where he obtained his Ph.D. in the Department of Computer Science. He also spent a summer visiting the Vision Technology Group at Microsoft Research. His current research focuses on a wide range of Computer Vision problems from stereo reconstruction and the estimation of 3D scene motion, to illumination modeling and sensor design. His work has appeared in a number of international Computer Vision conferences and journals. He received his B.A. in Mathematics from the University of Cambridge in June 1991 and his M.Sc. in Computer Science from the University of Edinburgh in November 1992.

Speaker Appointments
For appointments, please contact the speaker, Simon Baker (

The Robotics Institute is part of the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.
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