Robotics Institute Seminar, April 30, 2001
Special Time and Place |
Seminar Abstract |
Speaker Biography |
Speaker Appointments
Medical Robotics and Computer-Integrated Therapy Delivery: Coupling
Information to Action in 21st Century Surgery
Russell H. Taylor
John Hopkins University
1305 Newell-Simon Hall
Refreshments 3:15 pm
Talk 3:30 pm
The impact of Computer-Integrated Surgery (CIS) on medicine in the
next 20 years will be as great as that of Computer-Integrated
Manufacturing on industrial production over the past 20 years. A novel
partnership between human surgeons and machines, made possible by
advances in computing and engineering technology, will overcome many
of the limitations of traditional surgery. By extending human
surgeons' ability to plan and carry out surgical interventions more
accurately and less invasively, CIS systems will address a vital
national need to greatly reduce costs, improve clinical outcomes, and
improve the efficiency of health care delivery.
This presentation will focus on the emerging role of medical robots
within CIS systems, with special attention to the synergy between the
development of image-guided, robotically-assisted delivery systems and
the development of novel minimally invasive localized therapies. It
will draw upon current and ongoing research in the newly established
NSF Engineering Research Center for Computer-Integrated Surgical
Systems and Technology and elsewhere to illustrate these themes.
Russell H. Taylor received a B.E.S. degree from The Johns
Hopkins University in 1970 and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from
Stanford in 1976. He is currently a Professor of Computer Science,
Radiology, and Mechanical Engineering and is Director of the NSF
Engineering Research Center for Computer-Integrated Surgical Systems
and Technology at Johns Hopkins. His research interests include robot
systems, programming languages, model-based planning, and (most
recently) the use of imaging, model-based planning, and robotic
systems to augment human performance in surgical procedures. In
February, 2000 he reller award for excellence in
computer-assisted orthopaedic surgery.
For appointments, please contact the host,
Takeo Kanade
The Robotics Institute
is part of the
School of Computer Science,
Carnegie Mellon University.