Robotics Institute Seminar, May 11, 2001
Time and Place |
Seminar Abstract |
Speaker Biography |
Speaker Appointments
Probabilistic Algorithms for Modeling Building Interiors With
Mobile Robots
Sebastian Thrun
School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University
1305 Newell-Simon Hall
Refreshments 3:15 pm
Talk 3:30 pm
Wouldn't it be neat if we had low-cost robots that could autonomously
explore buildings and generate accurate volumetric maps of their
interiors? Such technology could provide great benefits to realtors,
architects, disaster relief units, the military, and video game
This talk presents a probabilistic approach to autonomous multi-robot
exploration, localization, and mapping. Building on Bayes rule, our
approach uses fast probabilistic particle filtering methods for
localizing robots during mapping, and the expectation-maximization
algorithm for extracting low-complexity 3D models from range and
camera data. Results obtained in Wean Hall and various DARPA
demonstrations will illustrate some of the advantages and shortcomings
of this work.
Sebastian Thrun has been a student all his life. He studied computer
science and statistics at the Universities of Hildesheim and Bonn
(Germany). Presently, he is with Carnegie Mellon University where he
studies robotics, machine learning, and probabilistic AI.
For appointments, please contact the speaker (