Robotics Institute Seminar, May 4, 2001
Time and Place |
Seminar Abstract |
Speaker Biography |
Speaker Appointments
Robotics at the Micro/Nano Scale: Tele-Nanorobotics using Nanoprobes,
and Biologically Inspired Micromechanical Flying Insects
Metin Sitti
Postdoctoral Research Scholar
Robotics Laboratory, UC Berkeley
1305 Newell-Simon Hall
Refreshments 3:15 pm
Talk 3:30 pm
For the miniaturization of devices and machines down to atomic and
molecular sizes, micro/nanorobotic approach enabling manipulation,
manufacturing and interaction at the micro/nano scale is indispensable.
Micro/nanorobotics as an emerging robotics field is based on the
micro/nano scale physics, fabrication, sensing, actuation and control
taking the scaling effect into consideration. This presentation will
focus on two interdisciplinary micro/nanorobotic projects: nanorobotics
using nanoprobes, and Micromechanical Flying Insect (MFI) project. The
first project utilizes piezoresistive Atomic Force Microscope nanoprobe
as a pushing, cutting and indenting type of nanomanipulator, and also as
a 3D topology and force sensor. Using a teleoperated human-machine
interface, latex micro/nanoparticles are positioned in 2D by mechanical
pushing for developing micro/nanoassembly technology, and touch feedback
from the surfaces at the nano scale is realized. Moreover, nanorobotic
approach is used for fabricating molding templates of biomimetic gecko
foot hair nanostructures by indenting soft materials. Finally, design
and fabrication of a biologically inspired MFI will be presented. A 25
mm wing span MFI is based on the aerodynamics of fruit flies and
blowflies. Challenging issues and present trends in thorax design using
four bar mechanisms, piezoelectric actuation, manufacturing, and dynamic
analysis will be reported.
Metin Sitti received the B.Sc. (1992) and M.Sc. (1994) degrees in
electrical and electronics engineering from Bogazici University,
Istanbul, Turkey, and the Ph.D. (1999) degree in electrical engineering
from the University of Tokyo, Japan. He is currently a post-doctoral
research scholar at the Robotics Laboratory, Department of EE&CS,
University of California at Berkeley, working in Micromechanical Flying
Insect and Biomimetic Gecko Foot Hair Nanostructures projects. His
research interests include micro/nano-robotics, biologically inspired
robots and micro/nano-structures, bio-nanomanipulation, Scanning Probe
Microscopy, haptic interfaces and tele-robotics. He received the
Nakayama Prize for the best paper at the IEEE/RSJ International
Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems in 1998.
For appointments, please contact the host, Jianbo Shi(
The Robotics Institute
is part of the School of Computer
Science, Carnegie Mellon