Institute Seminar, March 13
and Place | Seminar
Abstract | Speaker
Biography | Speaker
Fast and Flexible 3D Scanning
Szymon Rusinkiewicz
Princeton University
Wean Hall 4623
Talk 12:30pm - 2:00pm
The digitization of the 3D shape of real objects is a rapidly
expanding field, with applications in design, manufacturing, and mapping
spaces such as buildings and caves. This talk will describe recent
research aimed at increasing the speed and flexibility of 3D scanning
systems. Two new scanner designs will be presented, one based on active
temporal stereo and the other based on projected structured light with
stripe boundary coding. Both are based on a space-time stereo
framework, in which correspondences between two cameras or between a
camera and projector are obtained by considering windows with extent in
both space and time. The scanners are the first stage in a 3D model
acquisition pipeline, which also includes algorithms for aligning and
merging successive range images. The talk will discuss the value of
having the entire pipeline operate in real time, which allows the user
to see holes in the model and determine when the object has been
completely covered. Results are presented from a prototype that
incorporates 60 Hz. structured-light rangefinder, a real-time variant of
ICP (iterative closest points) for alignment, and point-based merging
and rendering algorithms.
For appointments, please
contact Sebastian Thrun (
The Robotics Institute is part of the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.