Robotics Institute
Seminar, November 8
and Place | Seminar Abstract | Speaker
Biography | Speaker Appointments
Retroactive Gestural
Devices: Technology and Applications
National Polytechnique Grenoble
Time and Place |
NSH 1507
Refreshments 9:45am
Talk 10:00 am
technological achievements have resulted in haptic device
improvements; however there are still unsolved questions both in the
technological and psychophysical areas.
The European project ENACTIVE, a Network of Excellence (NoE) type of project, proposes reliable solutions for the
development, spreading, and standardization of a new generation of
human-computer interfaces, ENACTIVE interfaces, based on multi-sensory
representation. ENACTIVE addresses the
technological questions as well as fundamental knowledge of the three basic
sensory-motor loops: action to haptic, action to
vision, action to audition, along with the integration of these basic loops in
the action to haptic/vision/audition chain.
the framework of the ENACTIVE project, collaborative visits to research centers
on haptic systems occur. This seminar will cover a short presentation
of the project, the partners' activity as well as European research in haptics. The
represented partners will be:
INPG - Institut National Polytechnique.
PERCRO-SSA - PERCeptual RObotics laboratory. Pisa, Italy.
DLR –Deutsches
zentrum fuer Luft und Raumfahrt – Munchen, Germany.
CEIT- Centro de Estudios e Investigaciones Technicas de
guipuzcoa – Mechanical department.
San Sebastian, Spain.
Speaker Biography |
Jean-Loup Florens is an
electrical engineer from INPG, France and received his PhD in 1978 from INPG.
Currently he is a research engineer at
For appointments, please contact Stephanie Matvey.
The Robotics Institute is part of the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.