Robotics Institute
Seminar, October 15
and Place | Seminar Abstract | Speaker
Biography | Speaker Appointments
NavLab Core Technologies
Time and Place |
Mauldin Auditorium (NSH 1305)
And Tracking of Moving Objects (DATMO), or the conversion of raw sensor data
into representations of surrounding objects, for NavLab research provides an
immediate map of the sensed region of fixed and moving objects with knowledge
of key properties. By tracking objects over time, our DATMO algorithms extract
objects and estimate object position, velocity, acceleration, and angular
velocity (turn rate). The primary technical challenge is to extract stable
object features and determine which features correspond in consecutive scans,
yet use less than 7ms of processor time.
Speaker Biography |
Jay Gowdy, a principal research scientist with SAIC,
has decades of experience in software architecture design and integration for
complex robotic systems. His architectures, tools, and methodologies have been
at the core of numerous real systems at the Robotics Institute. He is currently
a key technical member of SAIC's Center for Intelligent Robotics and Unmanned
Systems (CIRUS).
Rob MacLachlan, a Project Supervisor, develops
software and hardware for research robots at the Vision and
For appointments, please contact Aaron Steinfeld
Related Material |
The Robotics Institute is part of the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.