Robotics Institute
Seminar, March 24, 2006
Time and Place | Seminar Abstract | Speaker Biography | Speaker Appointments
Dynamic Models of Human Behavior
Zoran Popovic
Associate Professor
University of Washington
Department Of Computer Science and Engineering
Auditorium (NSH 1305)
Refreshments 11:15 am
Talk 11:30 am
Abstract |
In this talk I will describe two models
of human locomotion that attempt to describe both micro (stylistic variation of
locomotion) and macro (complex crowd behavior) motion behavior patterns of humans
through a set of tuned differential equations.
first model of human locomotion incorporates several important aspects of human
biology, including relative preferences for using some muscles more than
others, elastic mechanisms at joints due to the mechanical properties of
tendons, ligaments, and muscles, and variable stiffness at joints depending on
the task. When used in a spacetime optimization framework, the parameters of this
model define a wide range of styles of natural human movement. Due to the complexity of biological motion,
these style parameters are too difficult to design by hand. To address this, I will describe the process
of Nonlinear Inverse Optimization, an algorithm for estimating optimization
parameters from motion capture data. We
show how salient physical parameters cam be extracted from a single short
motion sequence. Once captured, this
representation of style is extremely flexible: motions can be generated in the same
style but performing different tasks, and styles may
be edited to change the physical properties of the body.
second part of the talk will present a real-time model of crowd dynamics that
is based on the continuum computations instead of per-agent simulations. This formulation yields a set of continuous
velocity and potential fields that guide all people simultaneously. A dynamic potential field integrates both local
collision avoidance and global navigation, efficiently solving for smooth
realistic motion for large crowds without the need for collision
detection. Simulations created with our
system run at interactive rates, exhibit smooth flow under a variety of conditions,
and naturally exhibit emergent phenomena that have been observed in real
talk describes joint work with Karen C. Liu, Aaron Hertzmann,
Adrien Treuille, and Seth Cooper.
Speaker Biography |
Zoran Popovic is an Associate Professor in computer science at
Speaker Appointments |
appointments, please contact Janice Brochetti (
The Robotics Institute is part of the School of Computer Science, Carnegie Mellon University.