A Tour-Giving Learning Robot that Follows People

Daniel Nikovski, Dimitris Margaritis, and Roseli Romero


Tracking and following the movement of people is a basic capability in human-robot interaction. The general problem of tracking an object is known to be difficult and usually features that are particular to the object are hard-coded in the recognition system to make operation robust. The specific problem we are addressing -- learning to recognize and follow a particular person -- is even harder, because those features cannot be hard-coded and have to be extracted autonomously.


Robots that give tours in museums presently move on a prespecified route and people that want to take the tour have to follow them, even if they want to take a different route. We are trying to build a system that will let the robot follow a person and adjust its narrative accordingly. This would make the behavior of the robot appear more intelligent and flexible and would give more freedom and convenience to museum visitors.

State of the Art:

People following is a relatively complex behavior that relies on several faculties of lower level: motion estimation, feature tracking, face detection, sensor fusion, reasoning under uncertainty, navigation, and obstacle avoidance. Previous approaches have used different methods for providing these capabilities and integrating them into a whole system.

The most common techniques used to track people are motion and face detection. Motion estimation can be done by spatio-temporal filtering and/or background subtraction, as reported by McKenna. Face detection is commonly done with a neural network or some other pattern recognizer; many successful systems have been reported, but a face tracker is of very limited use if the robot will be following people and rarely seeing their faces.

Other approaches to people tracking include detecting the color of people's clothing, or attaching bar codes to them, as reported by Kortenkamp. Azarbayejani and Pentland proposed a method for 3D recovery of people's motion by means of connecting blobs of pixels of the same color. Flinchbaugh introduces a motion graph to describe the significant events caused by moving people in a scene. Dean et al. used a temporal Bayesian network on a mobile robot to track people; however, this system was not adaptive to a particular person.


We also use a temporal Bayesian network for reasoning and sensor fusion under uncertainty. Sonar and visual input are integrated over multiple time slices in a probabilistic framework. The two sensor modalities complement each other in order to detect reliably a person around the robot. Sonar detection is not specific to the person that has to be tracked and in general has low predictive likelihood. As a result, the robot often confuses people with chairs and other objects of similar shape and size. Visual recognition, on the other hand, is much more reliable and can be tuned to detect only the particular person that has to be followed [1]. However, the field of view of the camera is only about a sixth of the space surrounding the robot, while the sonar detector spans all of it. By combining the two sensors, we hope to be able to use the sonar for an initial estimate of the location of the person and the camera for precise verification. In addition, we plan to use other modalities such as hearing the sound of clapping hands or whistling, etc.

The sonar detector is designed by hand and uses hard-coded rules to decide if a person is present around the robot by analyzing the edges in the sonar image and estimating the size of the corresponding objects. The predictive likelihood of the detector has been determined from experimental data and entered into a temporal Bayesian network.

The visual detector, which is still under development, uses a decision tree to determine if a person is present in the visual field of the robot. The input to the decision tree consists of color histograms of blocks of the image, properly labeled as positive and negative examples. We are currently working on a method for autonomous labeling of the data, based on silhouette detection from the optical flow in the sequence of images. If successful, people would be able to ``introduce themselves'' to the robot before they start the tour, so that the robot can follow exactly them and not other visitors.

Future Work:

We are still in the experimental stage, trying to put together a system that uses sonars and vision. If successful, we will add other sensors and new detectors. Another direction is to implement a general system for reasoning in temporal Bayesian networks, which can model conditional dependencies between readings, broken sensors, and intermediate diagnostic states. Learning better state evolution models from experience is another topic we are exploring [2]. Yet another very interesting problem is the autonomous construction of temporal Bayesian networks from sensory data -- not only adjusting probability tables, but also inferring the structure of the network. If a robot can do this on its own, it would be able to build an optimal representation of the problem domain, adapted to the tasks it has to solve.

Figure: A temporal Bayesian network is used for reasoning under uncertaintly about the position of the person being tracked. The network has to time slices with identical structure, and an action node A(t). Each time slice has state nodes, which represent the position of the person with respect to the robot in a distributed manner -- as beliefs over truth assignments to the propositions with states True/Far, Left/Right, Front/Back. Evidence for the truth of each of these propositions comes from detectors that monitor sonar and visual data. The sonar detector is a hand-coded decision routine that analyzes sonar readings, while the visual detector is a decision tree that is built adaptively from training data extracted from color histograms of subimages that are taken from a picture of the person to be followed.


Dimitris Margaritis and Sebastian Thrun.
Learning to locate an object in 3d space from a sequence of images.
Submitted to ICML'98.

Daniel Nikovski.
Learning stationary temporal probabilistic networks.
Accepted at CONALD'98.

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