The Fourth Annual Robot Learning Lab Retreat

Seven Springs, Feb 18-21, 2002





List of participants:

  1. Allison Bruce
  2. Matt Deans
  3. Rosemary Emery
  4. Zoubin Ghahramani
  5. Geoff Gordon
  6. Dave Hershberger
  7. Hannes Kruppa
  8. John Langford
  9. Christian Martin
  10. Brendan McMahan
  11. Michael Montemerlo
  12. Kevin Murphy
  13. Sungwoo Park
  14. Joelle Pineau
  15. Chuck Rosenberg
  16. Matt Rosencrantz
  17. Maayan Roth
  18. Nicholas Roy
  19. Brennan Sellner
  20. Reid Simmons
  21. Trey Smith
  22. Sebastian Thrun
  23. Rudolph Triebel
  24. Vandi Verma
  25. Hakan Younes

Preliminary agenda:

Day Time Agenda Item
Mon, Feb 18 6:00pm Arrival - 1 Blue Spruce Cabin
7:00pm Dinner - 1 Blue Spruce Cabin
Tue, Feb 19 8:00am Breakfast - Conference room
8:00-9:00am Introductions
9:00-11:00am PLANNING I (John L., Nick R., Brendan M., Allison B., Joelle P.)
9:00-9:45 John Langford : A Crack in the Wall of Reinforcement Learning
9:45-10:00 Break
10:00-10:30 Joelle Pineau : A review of approximate POMDP planning algorithms
10:30-11:00 ??
11:00am Skiing
5:00-7:00pm MULTI-AGENTS (Rosemary E., Matt R., Maayan R., Brennan S., Geoff G.)
5:00-5:30 Geoff Gordon : Introduction
5:30-6:10 Matt Rosencrantz : Planning with multi-agents
6:10-6:50 Rosemary Emery : Reinforcement learning with multi-agents
7:00pm Dinner
Wed, Feb 20 8:00am Breakfast - Conference room
8:00-8:30am Vandi Verma : The unscented particle filter
8:30-9:30am Kevin Murphy : Modelling Sequential Data with Dynamic Bayesian Networks: New models, applications and algorithms
9:30-9:45am Break
9:45-10:30am Zoubin Ghahramani : Bethe free energies
10:30-11:45am VISION (Hannes K., Chuck R., Rudolph T.)
10:30-10:45 Rudolph Triebel : Generation of Textured 3D Models with Mobile Robots
10:45-11:15 Hannes Kruppa : Finding Skin in Real-World Images
11:15-11:45 Chuck Rosenberg : Face Recognition Survey
11:45am Skiing
7:00pm Dinner - 1 Blue Spruce Cabin
Thu, Feb 21 8:00am Breakfast - Conference room
8:00-10:00am MAPPING (Mike M., Sebastian T., Christian M., Matt D.)
8:00-8:30 Matt Deans : Maximally Informative Statistics for Localization and Mapping
8:30-9:00 Mike Montemerlo : FastSLAM: A Factored Approach to the Simultaneously Localization and Mapping Problem
9:00-9:30 Christian Martin : 3D-mapping of indoor environments with a mobile robot
9:30-10:00 Discussion and brain-storming
10:00-10:15am Break
10:15-11:30am PLANNING II (Dave H., Trey S., Hakan Y.)
10:15-10:45 Dave Hershberger : System Identification
10:45-11:30 Trey Smith : Combinatorial exchanges, preference elicitation, and task allocation
12:00pm Departure


driver with cardeparture timereturn timemax # passengerspassengers
Allison Bruce Monday 4pm Thursday 12pm 2-3 Vandi Verma, John Langford
Geoff Gordon Monday 4pm Thurday 12pm 3-4 Christian Martin, Rudolph Triebel, Zoubin Ghahramani
Nicholas Roy Monday 4pm Thursday 10am 1-2 Joelle Pineau
Mike Montemerlo Monday 4pm Thursday 12pm 1 Rosemary Emery
Chuck Rosenberg Monday 4pm Thursday 12pm 1-2 Matt Rosencrantz
Hakan Younes Monday 4pm Thursday 12pm 3 Sungwoo Park, Hannes Kruppa
Maayan Roth Monday 6pm Thursday 12pm 3 Brennan Sellner, Trey Smith
Reid Simmons morning daily evening daily TBD TBD

Joelle Pineau   (last update February 15, 2002)