Richard Stern's Web Pages for Binaural Hearing


These pages are being compiled to document the work my students, my colleagues, and I have been doing in binaural hearing over the years. For the most part, this work has been directed toward the development and evaluation of a model called the position-variable model which attempts to describe and predict the subjective lateral position of simple binaural stimuli, along with the results of studies of interaural discrimination and binaural detection that are based on the use of subjective position as an experimental cue. In recent years many of these theoretical and experimental papers have focused on the existence of "straightness" weighting that serves to emphasize binaural stimulus components that provide consistent information about the interaural time delay of a binaural signal over a range of frequencies.

These pages are currently compiled as time permits. In time it is intended that they will contain links to additional papers and theses from our group, some of which are not otherwise easily accessable, along with the source code of the position-variable model used to implement various theoretical predictions.

I would like to include links to other sites that are relevant to the study of binaural hearing, and to some extent sites that are relevant to the study of auditory perception in general. (Please send me your favorite links!)

Comments and suggestions about what else to include to are solicited and warmly welcomed.


Richard Stern
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering,

Biomedical and Health Engineering Program,
and School of Computer Science
Carnegie Mellon University

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