Carnegie Mellon Segway Soccer |
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We are now working with the Segway RMP platform, a 'roboticized' Segway provided to us by Segway and DARPA under the DARPA MARS Program. You can find more information on the DARPA Segway project at the official web page
Upcoming Events
September 2 - "tactical to practical" a TV show is coming to do a segment on us
September 10 - Korean media
October 11 - RI 25th -- we will be doing a 2vs2 demo game
Recent News
June 27 - July 5 - RoboCup 2004, Lisbon, Portugal
May 12 - 13 - Army War College, Robotics Day Demonstration.
April 24 - 27 - RoboCup US Open 04, New Orleans University