Please refer to SegwayRMP/doc/install.txt
Where to start?
Please refer to SegwayRMP/doc/overview.txt
About the bk
Some handy BitKeeper commands
* get a working copy of the tree
> bk clone ssh://yakko//home/segway/SegwayRMP
* checking out code (pull updates)
> bk pull
* checking in code
> bk citool
* push changes from this repository to the parent
(WARNING!) You should NOT do this to the main
unless given permission.
> bk push
How to run the code
- ssh into platini via mollusk
- change into directory SegwayRMP
- set environment variable SEGWAYCONFIG to point to the config directory
- run ./bin/robot without params.
(if the test warning comes up then change TESTMODE in settings.cfg to 0)
- ssh into mollusk
- change into directory SegwayRMP
- set SEGWAYCONFIG variable
- run ./bin/soccer
Useful switches are
-t "tactic string goes here" to run a tactic (currently only
chaseball does anything)
-c <file> to capture a file
- from you machine, set SEGWAYCONFIG and run the gui with
./bin/gui -R <hostname>
Rmemeber -h always lists the command line options if you are unsure.
About the machines
yakko: the server in robot soccer lab
gs219: the desktop in high bay
platini: the laptop running robot code on pinky
mollusk: the laptop running server code on pinky
Contact information
* segway list: segway-list at
* Brett Browning: brettb+segway
* Manuela Veloso: mmv at
* Paul Rybski: prybski at
* mvs at
* Dinesh Govindaraju: dgovinda at
CSD senior
* ericker at
* David Rozner: dgr at
* Jeremy Searock:
jsearock at
RI master student
* mint at
* Yang Gu: guyang at
CSD phd student
* Fayette Shaw: fws at
ME undergrad student
* Siddharth Misra: siddhart at
CSD undergrad student
Safety rules
* The robot can only be operated if there is someone there
to advise you. Suitable advisors are the grad students, Brett and Paul.
* When you are testing the robot, please keep a close eye on
the robot. Put your hand on the mouse because you need to stop
it (click the stop button in the GUI) as quickly as you can
in case of emergency.