My Orchids

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Currently in bloom (7/30/99)

Laeliocattleya Nippon 'Livinza'

brassia.jpg (27957 bytes)

First and foremost: the quality of the photo is absolutely crappy. Also, the bud is not completely opened, and there's a second one (also still in the process of opening) in the background (the  purple blotch behind) that adds a little more confusion to the picture. Odom's Orchids has a better picture, more resembling what mine looks like (although the color of the lip is purple, rather than red as it would seem from their picture; also, they mispelled the clonal name).

Among many, many things that make this event so remarkable is that this was my very first orchid plant. I bought it NBS (Near Blooming Size), which in plain english means that the plant is too young, and, even in the best conditions, blooming is 1-2 years away. If you know me, you know that I have never been able to grow my plants in the best conditions, so you begin to understand how amazed I am right now.

The genealogy of this hybrid is as follows (dates indicate the year the cross was first registered):

     Lc Nippon = C Rita Renee X Lc Memoria Maggie Hood      (1971)
     C Rita Renee = C Edithiae X C Brussels                 (1956)
     Lc Memoria Maggie Hood = Lc Aconcagua X C Enid         (1960)
     C Edithiae = C Suzanne Hye X C trianaei                (1914)
     C Brussels = C Harold X C mossiae                      (1936)
     Lc Aconcagua = Lc Schroderae X C Maggie Raphael        (1926)
     C Enid = C mossiae X C warscewiczii                    (1898)
     C Suzanne Hye = C gaskelliana X C mossiae              (1906)
     C trianaei =  species
     C Harold = C gaskelliana X C warscewiczii              (1893)
     C mossiae =  species
     Lc Schroderae = Lc Bella X C Maggie Raphael            (1917)
     C Maggie Raphael = C dowiana X C trianaei              (1889)
     C warscewiczii =  species
     C gaskelliana =  species
     Lc Bella = C labiata X L purpurata                     (1884)
     C dowiana =  species
     C labiata =  species
     L purpurata =  species

Previously in Bloom

Cymbidium insigne

cymbidium.jpg (9440 bytes)

Brassia caudata

Brassia.jpg (27957 bytes)


Oncidium Sweet Sugar 'Emperor'

oncidium.jpg (20364 bytes)