15-503/15-859P Introduction to Theoretical
Cryptography Spring 2006, MW 3:00-4:20, Wean 4623
Homework Rules:
Homework is due one week after it is assigned, in class.
(If this is a problem, emailing a PS or PDF file is OK.)
Late homework will be accepted only under exceptional
circumstances. Each student is to do their own work and hand in their own homeworks individually.
If you must, you may use any other sources you like, without losing points,
provided that on each HW you turn in, you declare honestly where the major ideas came from.
This could be: yourself, someone else, Google-- all possiblities are okay provided you declare
honestly how you got the ideas. Please staple homeworks.
If you have questions about grading, please talk to Yinmeng if you are an undergraduate, and Ryan if you are a graduate student.
(in PDF format)
- Homework 1, due Feb. 1
HW1 Solutions: For Undergrads and for Graduate students.
- Homework 2, due Feb. 22
HW2 Solutions: Here.
- Homework 3, due Apr. 19
Note: You may assume p < q. p is just supposed to be some factor of N, whatever factor is most useful to you in the problems.
- Homework 4, due Apr. 26
Note: In problem 3, you may assume you have access to a polytime algorithm A that determines if a given input number is prime.
More Hints for Problem 4:
(a) in fact, you can show p divides n!, EXACTLY that number of times.
(b) Note (2n choose n) = (2n)!/(n!*n!).
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