Masters in Language
Technologies (2nd year), 2006 – Present
Technologies Institute, School of Computer Science
Mellon University
Dr. Alexander I. Rudnicky Current GPA: 3.76/4.0
B.Tech. in
Information Technology, 2002 – 2006
Institute of Information Technology (IIIT), Allahabad, India
3.84/4.0 (University Silver Medalist)
Indian School Certificate Examination (ISC), Year 12, 2001
Public School, Saharanpur, India
Marks: 92% (Overall
rank 1 in district Saharanpur, UP, India)
Indian Certificate of Secondary Education (ICSE), Year 10, 1999
Public School, Saharanpur, India
Marks: 90% (Overall rank 1 in district Saharanpur, UP, India)
Information Retrieval, Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing
Work and Experience
Carnegie Mellon University
RADAR: Responsible for maintaining the adaptive Logistic
Regression classifiers used in RADAR project.
Boeing’s F/A-18 Automatic Maintenance Environment.
The details of above projects are available at
Indian Institute of Information
Technology – Allahabad
Undergrad Thesis: Saransh - Text Summarizer for Hindi
InfoQuest – User adaptive Meta search engine.
Carnival – A Complete Solution to Movie on Demand System.
Question Answering System for Hindi Language.
Research Assistant and Developer for Project modules in
Universal Digital Library project which is taken as an
initiative by a group of institutions which are: Carnegie Mellon
University (USA), Indian Institute of Science (Bangalore) CDAC
Noida and CDAC Kolkata (India), IIIT Hyderabad (India), IIIT
Allahabad (India). Funded by Ministry of Communication and
Information Technology, Government of India.
Study of Remote Access Servers (RAS) at UTStarCom Inc., as a
Trainee for my summer internship programme (June – July 2004).
Relevant Coursework
Graduate Level |
Undergraduate Level |
Machine Learning (PhD level) |
Natural Language Processing |
Neuro-Fuzzy Computing |
Programming and Scripting Languages: C, C++, Perl, VB, PHP
scripting, Prolog, JAVA, Bash Shell Scripting
Platforms: Microsoft Windows, DOS, Linux (RedHat, Fedora
Core 3,4, SuSE 7,8,9), MINIX
Honors and Awards
Graduate Research Assistant, Language Technologies
Institute, Carnegie Mellon University (Fall 2006 – Present)
Awarded scholarship by IIIT-Allahabad four times
consecutively for outstanding academic performance in sessions
2002-2003, 2003-2004 and 2004-2005, 2005-2006.
Awarded national level prize by the Council of Science and
Technology (U.P.) on achieving highest marks in Mathematics in
ISC 2001 board examinations.
Selected among the top 2% (out of 125000) candidates in IIT
Entrance Examinations, 2002.
Ranked 1 in district Saharanpur (U.P.) in class X (ISCE -
1999) and also in class XII (ISC - 2001) Board examinations.
Certificate of appreciation for being one of the organizers
of the Workshop on Optical character Recognition with workflow
and Document Summarization (OCR & DS, 2005) under Universal
Digital Library Project, 19 - 20 March, 2005.
Curricular Activities and Hobbies
Elected Vice President of
Indian Graduate
Students Organization (IGSA), CMU, December 2007 - present.
Executive Committee Board Member of
Indian Graduate
Students Organization (IGSA), CMU, November 2006 – November 2007.
Received Karate training till 5th Kyu (The Green) from
"Academy of International Martial Arts".
One of the organizers of Effervescence – 2004, the annual
cultural festival of Indian Institute of Information Technology,
Hobbies include playing Badminton and Swimming.
Available on request